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我们得到到消息说大坝决口了。We got the news that the dam burst.

堤坝决口,淹没了他们的村庄。A dam burst and flooded their villages.

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不管发生什么,人将决不得到决口。No matter what happens, I will never lose heart.

之前,含有一家铝制品厂所排放红泥的水坝决口,有毒化学淤泥淹没了三个村庄,致使四人死亡,一百多人受伤,三个人下落不明,数以百计的家庭被疏散。Three people are unaccounted for and hundreds of families have been evacuated

洪水从河堤的一道决口冲了出来。Flood waters poured through a gap in the embankment of the swollen Jumna River.

亚穆纳河涨水,洪水从河堤的一道决口冲了出来。Flood waters poured through a gap in the embankment of the swollen jumna river.

一条运河万一决口,那就会发生在两岸最不牢固之处,这个看法是有道理的。It stands to reason that if a canal should burst, it will be where the sides are weakest.

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洪水切割天然堤所侵蚀出的缺口称为决口。冰川顶部的裂隙可称冰隙。A gap eroded by flood waters cutting through a natural levee. Cracks in the top of a glacier.

我说当然可以,只是希望以后我们都决口不再提B这个名字。I said certainly may, only be hoped later our all crevasse no longer will propose B this name.

1975年,建在淮河支流上的118米高的板桥水库大坝在一次大暴雨中决口。In 1975 the 118-meter Banqiao dam on a tributary of the Huai was breached in a heavy rainstorm.

当地媒体说,荖浓溪附近的一个湖决口,估计放出了280万吨的水。One lake near Laonong river burst and released an estimated 2.8m tonnes of water, local media said.

有时山洪暴发,河堤决口,给人民的生命财产造成了无法估量的损失。Sometimes, flash floods, the river breaches, to people's lives and property caused incalculable loss.

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阿拉善盟四大沙漠“决口”与“握手”状况调查及治理对策。Status Investigated and Countermeasure about "Burst" and "Handclasp" of Four Desert in Alashan League.

迄今为止,在大堤决口时房子被洪水冲毁的约240人得以重返家园。So far, about 240 people who fled when levees broke and destroyed their homes have been able to return.

三角洲前缘河口砂坝沉积物粒度较平原决口扇粗。The grain size of the sediment in distributary mouth bar is coarser than that in the crevasse splay sediment.

黄河下游几乎周期性地泛滥、决口、改道,造成了广阔而肥沃的冲积平原。The lower reach has an almost periodical flood, burst, and riverway change and thus silted into a vast and rich alluvial plain.

主要沉积微相为水下分流河道、河口坝、远砂坝、席状砂、天然堤、决口扇等。The main sedimentary microfacies comprise distributary channel, mouth bar, distal bar, blanket sand, natural levee and crevasse splay.

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暴风雨和堤坝的决口引起巨大的自然灾害和人的恐慌情绪仅仅强化了人们对城市不安全的担忧。The vast physical and human disruption caused by the storm and the failure of the levees only heightened the city's sense of precariousness.

曲流河沈积以发育点砂垻、决口扇、天然堤和泛滥平原等微相单元为特徵。The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars, crevasse-splays, natural levees and flood plains.

在巴基斯坦北部的罕萨河流域,有一个类似的堰塞湖,8年前造成的,阻挡了通往中国的喀喇昆仑高速公路。一旦决口,巴基斯坦就拜拜了。There is a similar landslide dam on the Hunza River in northern Pakistan. Created about 8 years ago. Has blocked the Karakorum Highway to China.