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寒冷恐惧将这哭僵的孩子凝冻!Frigidity and horror have frozen this crying baby!

凝冻天气致云南昭通数千车辆滞留。Icy weather strands thousands of vehicles in SW China.

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燕窝菁萃卸妆凝冻为什麽在夏天时会比较软?。Why is the bird's nest essence makeup remover gel sometimes softer in summer?

凝神观看,在每一张照片的眼眸里,你将看见那些凝冻的时光里,闪著生命隐喻的灵光。Carefully examine ea ch photo, and you will see the vital spark of life in these frozen moments of time.

在项目策划和场景设计结合的基础上,探讨了主题公园意象之象的凝冻化表现。On the basis of project planning and scene design, it proves the condensate expression of shape of image.

在高于室温条件下,它不发生凝冻,除非添加某些其它的凝冻剂。Higher than room temperature, it does not happen Freezing, except to add some other of the Freezing agent.

我们认为她的基因当中负责变老和成长的基因发生了变异,因此她看上去就仿佛被时间凝冻了。We think that she has a mutation in the genes that control her ageing and development so that she appears to have been frozen in time.

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镰刀形的月亮在门前池中送出冷冷的微光,池畔的一排樱树,裸露在凝冻了的空气中,轻轻地颤着。The faint light of a sickle moon shone cold and dim in the pond beyond my door, whilst a row of cherry trees, bare and denuded, trembled slightly in the frozen air.

贵州商务厅成立“抗凝冻、保民生”应急指挥中心,建立24小时值班制度和省地两级商务主管部门一日两次抗灾救援调度会制度。The province also runs a 24-hour duty system and requires commerce authorities at the provincial and municipal levels to hold scheduled meetings on disaster reduction twice a day.

截止1月31日上午9时,除贵州境内大部分高速公路因路面凝冻再次封闭交通外,其他各省受冰雪影响的高速公路基本恢复正常通行,个别路段通行缓慢。By 9 o'clock on January 31, except for expressways in Guizhou were closed because of icing, other ice-damaged expressways has been open to normal traffic with slow traffic in some sections.

用图形分析了-2.5~-30℃下,凝冻水的含量对冰晶形成的影响,同时分析了凝冻、储藏和分布等因素对冰晶形成的影响。This paper includes a graph showing the percentage of water frozen in the form of ice crystals at temperature between -2.5 ℃ and -30 ℃. Frozen, storage and distribution aspects are also covered.

以脱脂奶粉、红薯浆液为主要原料,配以白砂糖,经过凝冻后,制成低脂功能性冰淇淋。Using nonfat dried milk, thick sweet potato liquid and granulated sugar as materials, the healthy low-fat ice cream was made after process freezing, which could improve constipation and the belly.