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它被称为“苍鑫式萨满教”。It's called Cang-style Shamanism.

这个被银河的玛雅人探访的文明是萨满教的。The cultures visited by the Galactic Maya were shamanic.

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由此可见萨满教对蒙古族影响之深。From it we see the deep influence of Shamanism on Mongolians.

少数人信仰伊斯兰教、基督教和萨满教。Minority religions include Islam, Christianity, and Shamanism.

萨满教道士是超自然的行家里手,而且能够释梦。Shamans are experts in the supernatural and can interpret dreams.

祖以万在萨满教和深奥的炼金术起源中被提到。Zurvan is mentioned in the Origins of Alchemy Shamanic &Esoteric.

本文论述了达斡尔族萨满教的基本情况。The article discusses the basic information of the Daur Shamanism.

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我们认为,不研究萨满教,就无法完整地理解原始社会。It's hardly tocomprehense primitive society without Saman Religion.

在宗教信仰方面,达斡尔族主要信仰萨满教。In religious aspect, the Daur nationality believed mainly Shamanism.

萨满教是鄂温克族传统而古老的宗教信仰。Shamanism is the traditional and ancient religious belief of Ewenki.

他们最初信奉萨满教,过着游牧生活。In the beginning, they believed in Tengri Shamanism and were nomadic.

萨满教信仰是鄂温克族传统文化中的主要内容之一。Shamanism is one of the main subjects of the Ewenki traditional culture.

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他们的萨满教巫医崇敬这种生物,认为每只蜜蜂都有一个灵魂。Their shamans revered the creatures, believing that each one had a soul.

藏传佛教替代萨满教,是一个相当复杂而又漫长的过程。It is a long and complex process for Lamaism to take the place of Samanism.

古老的萨满教把魔法的力量归功于这片土地。The old Shamanic beliefs of Tibet ascribed magical powers to the landscape.

达斡尔人的宗教是萨满教,还有一小部分人信奉喇嘛教。The religion of the Daurs was shamanism, while a few were followers of Lamaism.

萨满教-这是一个新的5点天赋在旧风暴,地球和消防立场。Shamanism – this is a new 5 point talent in the old Storm, Earth and Fire position.

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这引出了对萨满教的发现和探究我内在本能的强烈欲望。This led to the discovery of Shamanism and the urge to tap into my basic instincts.

中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点及其文化价值是本文探讨的主题。The paper mainly talks about the features of the Tungusic shamanism and its culture value.

在萨尔的领导下,兽人们重新恢复了古老的萨满教的传统。Under the leadership of Thrall, the Orcs have rediscovered their ancient Shamanistic traditions.