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他的演说很富机智。His speech was full of wits.

他的讲话闪现着机智。Wit gleamed out in his talk.

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他们对男孩的机智感到惊讶。They wonder at the boy's wit.

他讲的那个机智的玩笑令大家兴奋不已。His clever joke stimulated us.

我已经知道如何以机智胜过他。I already knew how to outwit him.

他的演讲充满了机智与幽默。Him speech was full of wit and humor.

机智灵活和奇异风格,泰华!Quick wit and fantastic style, Taehwa!

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他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳。He made a witty comeback to the insult.

我是聪明机智的子鼠,有我可以给你带来福旺之气!I am Rat, and I can bring you Blessing!

保持你的幽默与机智。Keep your humor and your wits about you.

没有爱的机智是颗没放盐的蛋。A wit without love is an egg without salt.

沉默不总是机智,但是确是机智。Silence is not always tact, and it is tact.

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你会和机智风趣的人一起工作?Do you work with people who are full of wit?

他证明自己是一位机智聪明的谈判者。He proved himself a quick-witted negotiator.

他有很强的表达力、并且机智聪明。He's very articulate and I know he's clever.

在商业圈里,人们靠机智生存。In business society, people survive by smart.

在场下,他十分风趣机智但从不自作聪明。Off court he was witty but never smart-alecky.

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那名窃贼以机智瞒过警方而开溜。The burglar outwitted the police and got away.

隽语一个简明,机智,经常似是而非的陈述。A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement.

我欣赏若贝尔的聪明和善于挖苦人的机智。I admired Jobert's intelligence and sardonic wit.