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把体温计放到嘴里。Put a thermometer in the mouth.

哦,我知道了,给我体温计看一下。Oh, Iknow. Give me the thermometer.

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把体温计放在您的舌头下面。Put this thermometer under you tongue.

把体温计放在您的舌头下面。Put this thermometer under your tongue.

这个前额测温的体温计愈加便当运用。The forehead thermometer is much easier to use.

让我拿体温计来量一下你的体温。Let me take your temperature with a thermometer.

请你把体温计放在你的腋下好吗?Would you put the thermometer under you arm, please?

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我需要体温计来量我儿子的体温。I need a thermometer so I can take my son's temperature.

让我来量一下你的体温,请将体温计含在嘴里。Let me measure your temperature. pls stick that in your mouth.

他是在把体温计插入你屁屁之前说的这话吗???????????。Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your touchy?

量体温的过程中要一直拿住体温计。Continue to hold the thermometer in place while taking his temperature.

将体温计放在安全的地方以备下次使用。Put the thermometer in a safe place until it is ready to be used again.

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体温计能帮助监测发烧温度变化以及湿毛巾能帮助降温。A thermometer will help monitor a fever and wet washcloths will help cool it.

拿住体温计与红色、蓝色或银色的头相对的另一端。Hold the thermometer by the end opposite the red, blue, or silver-colored bulb.

如果没有体温计,漱口水,雨衣和降落伞的话,我是绝不会去的。I never go anywhere without a thermometer, a gargle, a raincoat and a parachute.

直肠体温计可靠地记录了高于口表0.4℃的温度。Rectal thermometers reliably record temperatures 0.4℃ higher than oral thermometers.

现市面上有很多不同的体温计,现存的产品有否存在不方便使用的情况?。Do you think the existing product for detecting baby body temperature is not user-friendly?

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请把体温计放在舌头下。我还要检查一下你的脉搏和呼吸。Now put the thermometer under your tongue. I'll also check your pulse rate and respiration.

慢慢转动体温计直到你看到红色、蓝色或银色的线的尾端。Slowly turn the thermometer until you see the end of the red, blue, or silver-colored line.

最好是在20分钟后,让体温计清零后再量一次体温。Ideally, take two separate readings 20 minutes apart, and check that the thermometer is clean.