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处理器重试。Processor retries.

他们将感到不被器重。They will feel unvalued.

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即使老板很器重你,但一切都可能发生变化。Even if the boss loves you, things can change.

阿呆在单位很受老板器重。A stays in the unit very suffer boss regard highly.

曾几何时,贝克汉姆也是这些被器重球员中的一员。For a while, Beckham was one of those chosen players.

我还不知道怎么好把器重和喜爱分离开呢。I have never yet known what it was to separate esteem and love.

但是别人对他的器重,却实在是一种责备。but as for the esteem of the others, it is a reproach in itself.

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因为他每次考试都考得最好,所以老师很器重他。The teacher thinks highly of him because he does best in every exam.

他这般仁至义尽,只不过是为了一个他既无好感又不器重的姑娘。He had done all this for a girl whom he could neither regard nor esteem.

对检测率最高的特征,我们用基于核典型相关分析的分类器重新分类。For the best feature, we also use the classifier based on KCCA to reclassify it.

内置自加载牵张器重建兔下颌支的实验研究。Mandibular ramus reconstruction using embedded self-loading distractor in a rabbit.

队列的缓冲区大小将保留到队列管理器重启之前。Buffer sizes for queues are retained over queue manager restarts. To change the buffer sizes

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因为那时,你们还未结婚,你想想,那时你手里的爱情,肯定比那件金器重要得多。Because at that time, you did not get married and your love was more valuable than the jewel.

考利昂老头子的每一个手势和每一个词都表明了路加•布拉西是受到他器重的。With every gesture, with every word, Don Corleone made it clear to Luca Brasi that he was valued.

服务器重配置正在运行。在硬件自动侦测期间,你的屏幕可能闪烁。The X server reconfiguration is now running. Your screen may flicker during hardware autodetection.

当时朝廷也很器重他,皇上封他当了大官。He was also highly regarded by the imperial court, and was made an official by edict of the emperor.

将巡览器重新定位到前一个相符的同层级节点并且略过已筛选的节点。Repositions the navigator to the next matching content node or attribute and skips over filtered nodes.

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请求医生应该特殊器重研讨每个病人个体健康的特别性和奇特性。The doctors should pay special attention to the health of each individual patient's special and unique.

将巡览器重新定位到下一个相符的内容节点或属性并且略过已筛选的节点。Repositions the navigator to the sibling matching content node or descendent and skips over filtered nodes.

达西很器重彬格莱,因此彬格莱对他极其信赖,对他的见解也推崇备至。On the strength of Darcy's regard Bingley had the firmest reliance, and of his judgment the highest opinion.