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我们能堕入爱河。We can fall in love.

她坠入了爱河。She tumbled into love.

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我听闻你已堕入爱河了。I hear you've fallen in love.

祝你们永浴爱河。May you two always be in love.

玫瑰们从来从来,都不会坠入爱河。Roses never, never fall in lov.

或许你我将共浴爱河里。Maybe you and I will fall in love.

对我来说,这样就意味着我们陷入了爱河。To me, this meant we were in love.

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后来两个人见了面,并坠入爱河。The two later met and fell in love.

因为我刚刚在爱河里游回来。I am backing for love river just now.

每个洗澡在爱河中的人都是诗人。At the touch of love everyone besa poet.

沉浸爱河的人们总是幸福的人儿。People who are in love are happy people.

每个沐浴在爱河中的人都是骚人。At the touch of love everyone be es a poet.

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一个纯粹的物理对象能坠入爱河吗Could a purely physical being fall in love?

她们从初认识起便陷入爱河。They have been in love ever since they met.

永浴爱河,幸福无边,爱不厌倦。Totally happy always in love and never dull.

赃羜每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.

每当坠入爱河,我多少会有点被套牢的感觉。When I love somebody, I feel sort of trapped.

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女人并不像男人那样容易陷入爱河/爱上对方。Women don't fall in love as easily as men do.

每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是疯子。At the touch of love everyone becomes a Loony.

他曾经坠入爱河。现在他只是在坠落罢了。He falled in love once. Now he's just falling.