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一触即发的新一轮贸易战。The prospect of a new trade war.

武装冲突有一触即发之势。Armed conflict may break out at any moment.

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现在革命是一触即发,难道你们感觉不到吗?Revolution is in the air. Can’t you feel it?

红蓝大战本周末一触即发。Red and blue hair-trigger World War II this weekend.

军事要塞充满肃杀感,战事一触即发。Fortress filling amuck and wars being going to launch.

珂赛特和马吕斯都还在各自的掩蔽体里,燎原之火,一触即发。Marius and Cosette were in the dark as to one another.

尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。Despite the threat of war, people go about their work as usual.

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这种疼痛由一触即发的敏感灵敏性激发级联反应。This can set off the pain cascade with hair-trigger sensitivity.

“他在开玩笑,”父亲说,试图缓和母亲一触即发的狂怒。"He's joking, " said Father, trying to soothe Mother's immediate wrath.

一场王爵和使徒们为了真相和荣誉的战役一触即发。A king and the apostles to the truth and honor campaign triggered at any moment.

帕恰库德无声的审视着敌方阵营,大战一触即发。Pachacutec scanned the enemy ranks in silence, preparing for the great battle ahead.

亚当斯总统并未宣战,但是战争在海边一触即发。President Adams did not call for a declaration of war, but hostilities began at sea.

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生命中最柔软和温馨的记忆,从脚下的泥土中一触即发。Of life's most soft and warm memories, from the foot of the soil in the hair-trigger.

全新宝来澎湃的动力输出让您的驾驶乐趣一触即发。Surgent power output of All New Bora makes your driving pleasure easy on the trigger.

你要明白,什么事情都一触即发地反应出来,容易犯错。You have to understand it's easy to make mistakes if you have a hair-trigger response.

中东的局势一触即发,但是经过1967年的战争之后,还没有准备进行什么外交活动。The Middle East was explosive, but in the aftermath of 1967 war no diplomacy was in train.

在波兰民族运动走向高潮,与沙俄的战争一触即发的时候,肖邦身在奥地利。While Chopin was in Austria, Poland and Russia faced off in the apparent beginnings of war.

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在巴黎一座音乐会剧场——夏沃音乐厅上演的选举之夜,气氛一触即发。On election night at the Salle Gaveau, a Paris concert theatre, the atmosphere was electric.

在这个时候,也只有韩国的懦弱表现才避免了这场一触即发的暴力对抗。Only the South’s pusillanimous response avoided a potentially violent confrontation this time.

想想手足之争,在年幼的兄弟姐妹们之间蕴藏着一触即发的愤怒和憎恨。Think of sibling rivalry, the hatred and rage that simmers between young brothers and sisters.