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她吃了点止头痛药粉。She took some headache powder.

他把药粉溶解于水中。He dissolved the powder in water.

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艾奇,你能给我准备一种那些个药粉吗?Can you fix me one of them powders, Ikey?

他将一些脚气药粉倒在自己的口袋中。He empties some foot powder into his pockets.

他一吃了这药粉,就会蒙头大睡的。When he eats it, he will fall into a deep sleep.

胶囊内药粉为白色或灰白色粉末。White or off-white color powder inside the capsule.

然后取瓶中混合好的中药粉1小匙,放入碗中。Then take a good bottle of powder 1 tsp mixed, in a bowl.

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井测定药粉的吸湿平衡曲线。The hygroscopic balance curve of the powder was determined.

每天在脚上和鞋里撒些抗真菌的药粉。Sprinkle antifungal powder on your feet and in your shoes daily.

你也可以使用非处方的抗真菌药粉,药膏或喷剂。You may prefer using an over-the-counter antifungal powder, cream, or spray.

他回来以后,你必须向他敬一杯酒,并且把药粉放在里面。When he comes here again, you must give him a drink and put the powder in it.

给我药片,药粉,药剂,产品或者手术,让我变得漂亮。Give me the pill, powder, potion, product or surgeon that will make me beautiful.

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另外,观察药粉颜色,可以分辨中成药的真伪。Additional, observe powder color, the officinal true bogus in can differentiating.

“拿好这药粉,”阿拉丁对公主说,“把它放进魔术师的食物里。Take this powder, " Aladdin said to the Princess. " Put it in the Magician's food.

又分头去买了洗印药粉,电影胶片和成捆的白报纸。Also separately buy a laboratory powders, films and film into a bundle of newsprint.

大夫,能不能给我开些别的药?这些药粉,我一吃下去就要吐出来。Can you prescribe something else for me, doctor? I can't keep these powders down at all.

我用一袋药粉配制了农药溶液,数量增加了两三倍。I prepare a solution using powder from a bag and get two to three times as much in quantity.

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我给您一些口服药,漱口水和局部用的药粉。I'll give you some talbets to swallow, some mouthwash to gargle with and some powder for local use.

到这儿的证物有时是种难以辨认的形式,像是刻过的雕像,皮带或是一小瓶药粉。Evidence also arrives in difficult-to-identify forms like a carved statuette, a belt, or a small vial of medicinal powder.

药粉大概有一杯,索菲亚建议我每次取一撮药粉放到热水里,每天喝这种茶一到两次。It was about a cupful. Sofia advised me to put a pinch of the medicine in hot water and drink the tea once or twice a day.