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你心怀不满。You harbor grudges.

他一直对我心怀嫉妒。He grudged me my success.

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不论身处何地我都心怀安乐。I am happy wherever I am.

不要心怀不轨。Don't harbor unkind thoughts.

他独自漫步心怀伤悲。He walked alone and sorrowing.

他总是心怀赤忱的帮助别人。He always cordially helps others.

他们的谈话有点儿心怀不轨。Their talk was slightly malicious.

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总要心怀期盼,强过曾经的绝望。Always to hope, than once to despair.

他心怀当诗人的愿望。He nurses an aspiration to be a poet.

我的父亲并不总是一个心怀仇恨的人。My father was not always a man who hated.

我发现自己很难不对他们心怀敬畏。I found it hard not to regard them with awe.

现在让我们替「心怀不平」下一个定义。Now let us get to the definition of fretting.

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同时他回忆起从前他竟敢心怀怨愤!And he remembered that he had dared to murmur!

这一次,小米失去的是他心怀的信任和友谊。This time, Remi loses his trust and friendship.

心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上,都没有定见。A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

心怀大思想,乐在小情趣。Thinking big thoughts but relish small pleasure.

显然是有人对这个结果心怀不满。Someone was apparently unhappy about the outcome.

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对于他所做的事,我并没有心怀恶意。I harbor no malice toward him for what he has done.

如果你也是一个心怀不满的人,请谨记这一条!Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches!

心怀不满的工人们在大街上闹事。The unsatisfied workers are rioting in the streets.