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她已经75岁了,腰板仍然笔直。At 75, she's still ramrod straight.

而现在,联系汇率制的支持者腰板可以挺起来了。Supporters of the peg now have their response.

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所以挺直腰板,继续学习,继续生活。So keep standing, keep learning, and keep living.

我从来不能象其他孩子那样挺直腰板盘腿而坐。I could never sit Indian-style the way other kids did.

挺直腰板坐在海豚背上的猴子摆出一副庄严的神态。The Monkey sat up, grave and dignified, on the Dolphin's back.

如今,当我再提起我来自南布朗克斯时,我的腰板挺得很直。Today, when I say I'm from the South Bronx, I stand up straight.

但是,他却比其他人更加自信,走路腰板更直。But he walked straighter , with more confidence, than the others.

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佝偻了整整一个冬季的腰板挺直了,欢快的笑脸充满着希望。For a winter slouch compass, bright smiling face standing full of hope.

我想我那时一定是对她一见钟情了,因为我竟挺直了腰板向她走了过去。But it must've been love-at-first-sight because I up and walked right over.

在一个舒服的地方坐下,挺直腰板,然后闭上你的眼睛。Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, and close your eyes.

美女们应该找到自己的方式,挺直腰板或是放下身段,来讨好男人。Ladies should find their own ways, standing up or lying down, to impress men.

他两腮下陷,面色发黄,腰板挺得笔直,显出一副苦行僧的样子。He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, and an ascetic aspect.

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面对挫折,请绽开从容的笑脸,挺直坚强的腰板吧!Facing the setback, please split open the calm smiling face, stiff strong wainscot!

我很高兴恢复我的名誉体面,我又可以在同胞面前挺起腰板来了…I am happy to recover my moral dignity, and I can once more walk erect before my fellowman.

当你站直腰板的时候,你发出了一种自信、权威和能量的信息。When you stand up tall and straight, you send a message of self-assurance, authority and energy.

又替坛做一个铜网,放在坛的围腰板以下,向下直到坛的半腰。They made a grating for the altar, a bronze network, to be under its ledge, halfway up the altar.

同学们都腰板挺直,两只胳膊重叠做好,认真的听老师讲课。Schoolmates the wainscot is stiff, two arms overlap complete, earnest listens to teacher to teach.

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所以你要明白为何开你情人的玩笑并非我们要直起腰板来的想法。So you can see why kidding around about your sugar-mama status isn't exactly our idea of stand-up.

做你自己,任何值得一谈的女人都只会和一个真正的你,一个挺直腰板敢于表达自己的男人交谈。Any woman worth talking to will communicate with the real you, a man who stands up straight and speaks his mind.

她已年满七十,但风韵犹存——虽然红褐色头发大部分已变白,但身材修长,腰板挺直。At seventy, she was still a beautiful woman—tall, slender, and erect, though her auburn hair had mostly faded to white.