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箩筐是那样脏,莲藕也跟被烟熏了似的脏兮兮的。Basket is so dirty, Lotus also be smoked with a dirty-like.

他女朋友有一箩筐,有点算是万人迷了。He has a lot of girlfriends and is a bit of a heartbreaker.

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我感到一阵尴尬,继而生起气来,联想到一箩筐其他的事。I was embarrassed, angry, offended, and a million other things.

他们排成一排行走,每个人担着扁担和2个箩筐,队伍有2里路长,我用了半个小时才走过了他们…They were all walking single file, each one with a pole and two baskets.

我也想起她把心放进箩筐,想起舅舅像雨的汗。I also thought of her heart in the basket and my uncle’s raining-like sweats

事实上,2009年对于贝卢斯科尼来说,是闹心的一年,烦心事一箩筐。In fact, in 2009 for Berlusconi, who is Naoxin year, Fan Xinshi a basketful.

我的祖母不识字,可是她有一箩筐的神话和传奇故事。Although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stack of myths and legends.

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特朗普的半数支持者都是‘一箩筐可怜虫’。You could put half of Trump"s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables."

洋酒种类很多,可供选择的啤酒和鸡尾酒也是一箩筐,不过食物就差了点。It had a great wine list, beer selection and cocktail menu, but the food wasn't the best.

简金斯发现,锄草机正前方捆绑著一箩筐的啤酒。Jenkins then found a case of beer strapped to the lawnmower 's front, court records show.

但如果我们能度过另一个20兆年,我们也许就可以摆脱我们买到的一箩筐债务。But if only we could spend another 20 Trillion, we could buy our way out of debt. What a crock.

最近一位法国医学专家刚刚推出一本书,为男性的出轨行为找出了一箩筐理由。A medical experts published a book , which found a laundry list of excuses for men's derailments.

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还可以找一箩筐讨厌希拉里的书来细嚼慢咽,内容从女同性爱一路说到谋杀。You can peruse a library of Clinton-hating books that accuse her of everything from lesbianism to murder.

树人书店的门面看来不怎样,主人却有一箩筐故事。The storefront at the Shu Jen bookstore looks unassuming enough, but the owner has a basketful of stories.

鸡蛋和箩筐这个朴素的道理怎么就没有引起九城的注意呢?How doesn't this simple truth have egg and a large bamboo or wicker basket cause the attention of 9 cities?

我宁愿活着时得到朋友的一朵玫瑰、一句好话,也不愿要死后的一大箩筐。I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here-than a whole truckload when I am gone.

所以在你罗列的一箩筐目标中,选出一件或两件你真正想要的事情,然后着重先完成它们。So within your large list of goals, highlight one or two that you really want to make happen and work on those first.

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在街边老农的箩筐里,看到白棉线捆起一小把一小把的花。By the roadside, lay some small bundles of Gardenia tied up with white cotton thread in an old peasant's bamboo basket.

但若是我们能渡过另一个20兆年,我们大概就能够脱离我们买到的一箩筐债权。Butif only we could spend great commerciingvertisementditioning 20 Trillion. we could buy our wayout of debt. What a crock.

看着身边的人结婚生子,幸福的不幸福的大事小事一箩筐。Looked at the people around them get married and have children, not the well -being and happiness of a big and small basket.