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剩下的问题就是哪种自体免疫病?。Only question is what kind of autoimmune?

谁是疫病流行的罪魁祸首?。Who is the Arch-criminal of Epidemic Disease?

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板栗疫病为我国检疫性病害。Castanea mollissima blight is a quarantine disease in China.

多年来,河南官员百般掩盖这个疫病。For years, Henan officials attempted to cover up the epidemic.

同是疫病威胁,猪流感与禽流感相比如何?How does swine flu compare with avian flu as a pandemic threat?

茎尖苗抗逆性强,芋疫病和芋软腐病发病程度较轻。The case of leaf blight of taro and soft rot of taro was slighter.

宋代发生流行型疫病204次,12个种类,其中引起疫灾49次。There were 204 epidemics of 12 species, of which 49 caused plagues.

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本次疫病被确诊为鹅副粘病毒感染。The disease was definitely diagnosed as goose paramyxovirus infection.

遏止疫病的血清远在六百七十四英里外的安克雷奇市。The serum that could stop the outbreak was 674 miles away in Anchorage.

板栗疫病是世界性栗树病害之一。Chestnut blight is one of most serious diseases of chestnut world widely.

现在一些养兔场在主要疫病得到控制后,大肠杆菌病却有?。It had been controlled after urgent inoculation and treatment of antibiotic.

对任何疫病迹象进行报告是监测和防控措施的关键。Reporting any signs of disease is key for surveillance and control measures.

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本文就适体技术及其在疫病诊断中的应用进展作一综述。The applications of nucleic acid aptamers in disease diagnosis are reviewed.

许多人靠这条水质受污、可致疫病的河流来取水。Many people were dependent for their water supply on this pestilential stream.

进口的肉类产品应来自无动物疫病流行的国家或地区。Imported meat products must come from non-epizootic disease countries or regions.

有些人确实是同时吃了西红柿和辣椒感染了沙门氏菌疫病的。Some of the people confirmed infected with salmonella ate both tomatoes and peppers.

这表明更好的预防工作对减轻和逆转这个疫病来说多么重要。This shows how vital better prevention is to blunting and turning back the epidemic.

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试验证明,从大豆疫病的感病植株可以获得病荚和带菌种子。The plant infested by Phytophthora sojae can produce infested pod and infested seeds.

第五条国家对动物疫病实行预防为主的方针。Article 5 The state institutes a policy of focusing on prevention of animal epidemics.

论述了丁香细菌性疫病分布、危害症状、病原、发病规律及防治措施。This paper discusses the allocation and symptom of bacteroidal epidemic disease of clove.