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这些小泥鳅,可有趣了!These small loach can be fun!

他们也利用泥鳅的信息。They make use of the loach too.

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泥鳅从我手中滑走了。The loach slipped from my hands.

我又能和小泥鳅在一块玩了!I can and small loach in a played!

刘泥鳅看中了湖边珍珠家用过的小舟。Liu loach took the boat lake pearl household.

是啊!刚才真该听泥鳅的话呢!Yes! We should have listened to loach just now.

我的的小鱼缸里,有一对小泥鳅。Of my small fish tank, there is a pair of small loach.

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谁也抓不住这个湿漉漉的球,它滑得像泥鳅。Nobody could catch the wet ball, it was as slippery as an eel.

不过我很熟悉泥鳅,它在适宜种植水稻的水乡是非常常见的。But I know loach very well. It is common in rice-planting area.

我最喜爱的活动是抓泥鳅和篝火晚会了。Myfavourite activities were catching loaches and the fire festival.

首次获得人工诱导雄核发育二倍体大鳞副泥鳅克隆鱼。Androgenetic diploid clones of Paramisgurnus dabryanus were induced by heat shock.

千钧一发之际泥鳅用自己的身体盖住了手榴弹,壮烈牺牲。At a crucial moment when the loach with his body covered the grenade, heroic sacrifice.

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介绍了泥鳅的人工繁殖以及利用湖区藕田饲养泥鳅的技术要点。The main technical points of artificial propagation and culture of Loach are introduced.

介绍了网箱养鳅的技术要点以及泥鳅常见疾病的防治方法。The main technical point of culture loach in net cage and disease control are introduced.

本文研究了泥鳅雌核单倍体的胚胎发育。The report which follows studies on the embryonic development of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus.

一种罕见的树蛙,一种泥鳅和蜥蜴都在成千上万种濒临灭绝的动物之中。A rare tree frog, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands of species threatened by extinction.

天儿热了把牛一撒,一群泥鳅般的孩子便迫不及待的扎进了河里。Weather hot to bovine a Caesar, a group of loach as children unable to hold oneself back down into the river.

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因此以适当的性腺激素处理泥鳅,可以行使全年性的人工采卵。Therefore, spawning of mud loach can be artificially induced throughout the year with proper hormone treatments.

本研究不仅为研究冷激蛋白提供了前提,而且为两种泥鳅的人工养殖提供了参考。This study not only provided a basement for the study on CSPs, but also gave some reference to the artificial breeding.

泥鳅人工繁殖能够为藕田养鳅提供大量规格整齐的鳅种,而且不破坏野生泥鳅资源。Artificial propagation and culture of loach can provide lots of young loaches without damaging loach resources in the wild.