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他的目的是设法使用他已有的运载火箭。His intent was to somehow use the launcher he had.

这难道比制造PSLV运载火箭,烈火和世界级的软件程序还难?Is it more difficult than making a PSLV, Agni, or a world class software programmes?

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对大型运载火箭的固体助推器,通常采用摆动喷管推力向量控制。The deflecting nozzle thrust vector control is usually used in a large solid booster.

在普列谢茨克,已有超过1600枚的运载火箭被发射进入太空。Over 1600 carrier rockets have already been launched from the space field in Plesetsk.

IIA系列运载火箭是日本在近年来研制的新一代运载火箭。H-IIA family is a series of new generation launch vehicles currently developed in Japan.

韩国已经使用来自其他国家的运载火箭把10颗卫星送入太空。South Korea has sent 10 satellites into space using launch vehicles from other countries.

而运载火箭通常采用横向分离式设计技术。For carrier rockets, however, the technique of lateral separation design is normally used.

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采用推进剂利用系统可以提高运载火箭的发射能力。Launch capability of liquid rocket engine can be improved by propellant utilization system.

该公司利用俄罗斯运载火箭,已将七人送入国际空间站。Space Adventures has already sent seven people to the space station, using Russian rockets.

关于搭载未来飞船的运载火箭,俄罗斯太空局又一次面临着始料未及的两难境地。Roskosmos also faces an unexpected dilemma surrounding the launcher for the future spacecraft.

安吉亚太空公司在“天顶号”运载火箭承载能力的范围内小心翼翼地保留了这艘未来飞船的整体质量。RKK Energia carefully kept the overall mass of the future spacecraft within Zenit's capabilities.

委员会的研究结果事实上使苏联对美国在大举力运载火箭能力上处于领先地位。The board's finding would, in effect, leave the Soviet Union unchallenged in heavy-lift capability.

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介绍了液体运载火箭和航天飞行器推进剂交叉输送技术的概念。The concept of cross-feed technology for launch vehicle and spacecraft was introduced in this paper.

一枚运载火箭将神舟11号飞船送入了太空,宇航员陈冬和景海鹏就在这艘飞船上。A carrier rocket sent a Shenzhou-11 spacecraft with astronauts Chen Dong and Jing Haipeng into space.

采用新材料可以有效地减轻运载火箭的结构质量,增加运载火箭的射程。Applying new material may decrease efficiently structure mass of rocket and increase range of rocket.

卫星要在其轨道上运行所需要的只是由运载火箭给它的初速度。All the satellite needs in order to move in its orbit is the initial speed given it by carrier rocket.

他跟其他人注意到,Aldebaran运载火箭既能发射卫星,也可用来摧毁卫星。He and others note that the Aldebaran rocket could be used to destroy satellites as well as launch them.

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简要介绍“天顶号”和“旋风号”运载火箭的研制情况。Here is the brief introduction of the development for the"Zenit"rocket engine and"Cyclone"rocket engine.

乌克兰在运载火箭总体和控制系统方面的研制经验是比较丰富的。The developing experience of launch rocket integration and control system is rather abundant in Ukraine.

针对机动发射固体运载火箭开展上升段弹道快速设计方法研究。The paper researched the rapid design method for ascent trajectory of multi-stage solid launch vehicles.