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我是否可将座位向后倾倒?May I recline my seat?

禁止在森林中倾倒垃圾。No dumping in these woods!

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一阵大风使船倾倒。A great wind careened the boat.

她的清秀美丽使他倾倒。Her comeliness overwhelmed him.

你的丈夫不会令你心倾倒。Your old man won't let you down.

你基本上是把它倾倒到这儿。And you basically dump it into here.

客人们都为它倾倒了。The guests had been raving about it.

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现在大厦倾倒.And now the edifice is crashing down.

全方拉链倾倒多余的热量迅速。Full side zips dump excess heat quickly.

她的性感媚笑令无数人倾倒。Her sexy smiles appealed to many viewers.

而我们又为什么年复一年为之倾倒?And why do we fall for it, year after year?

给倾倒中冒着热气的水特写。Get CLOSE UP of steaming water being poured.

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你大错特错了,边都没沾。我被超级明星梅尔·吉布森倾倒了。I have a crush on the super star Mel Gibson.

把它倾倒在任何欧盟垃圾填埋场也是违法的。It was illegal to dump it on any EU landfill.

他们向水中倾倒垃圾弄脏了水。They fouled the water by throwing in garbage.

拼装车正倾倒一车甘蔗至转装台的漏斗。A lorry was dumping sugarcane into the hopper.

我所有一切的爱,荣耀,都全然倾倒、枉费在你身上。All my glory and love I pour and waste on You.

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艾斯特洛向前倾倒在一滩血里。Estelow had slumped forward in a pool of blood.

一连三天,他不厌倦地舀起和倾倒。For three days unweariedly he scooped and poured.

这家公司把有毒废物倾倒入这条支流。The company dumped to toxic wastes into this canal.