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草本群落是汾河河漫滩的主要植被类型。The results showed that the biomass of these 3 types of herb community were 785.

现在河槽内沉积物的稳定性比河漫滩上沉积物差的多。Those within existing stream channels are much less stable than overbank deposits.

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比拉尼亚鱼是淡水鱼,他们被发现在河中和南美的河漫滩。Piranhas are freshwater fish that are found in rivers and floodplains of South America.

跨过宽阔的波托马克河漫滩,飞机在国家机场降落。Across an expanse of the Potomac floodplain, airplanes were landing at National Airport.

他走到了宽阔的河漫滩上,走进了那片用石块围起的小树林。He walked to the broad riverbank and into the grove, which was surrounded by a stone wall.

研究结果客观地反映了汾河河漫滩种子植物多样性的现状。The result is objectively reflected status of seed plant diversity in flood plain of the Fen River.

河漫滩上沉积物的沉积伴随着与沉积物相结合的营养和污染物质的沉积。Deposition of sediments on river floodplains is accompanied by the deposition of sediment-associated nutrients and pollutants.

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综述长江中下游河漫滩的分布,剖面结构、土层及其物理力学性质。This paper describes the distribution, profiles, soil courses and their physical property of the downstream valley flats of Yangzi River.

在此基础上对河漫滩发育模式与河型特别是与气候因子的关系进行探讨。It is discussed that the relationships between the developing model ofcarse and river types, especially-the climatic factors on the basis.

研究了汾河太原段河漫滩草地土壤种子库的基本特征。The basic characteristics of the soil seed bank in flood plain grassland of the Fen River in Taiyuan region were investigated and studied.

数百个这样的结构保证了玉米在河漫滩上的生长,在当时并不像现代登山者那样用绳索就可以轻松下山。Hundreds of such structures once contained corn grown on the creek's floodplain, and some require difficult rappelling for modern climbers to visit.

河床-河漫滩型和谷底洼地型泥炭沉积物中总氮和总磷含量随着泥炭粒级的减小而明显增加。With decreasing of peat granule size, the content of TN and TP was increasing obviously in peat sediment of river bed-flood land and valley depression land.

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研究成果表明,河漫滩表层沉积物是森林超低密度地球化学调查的最佳采样介质。Studies show that surface sediments of the flood land seem to be the best sampling media in ultra-low density geochemical investigation in forest-swamp areas.

研究了长江下游南通段河漫滩沉积剖面的粒度和磁化率特征,由此识别出长江下游南通段现代洪水事件。After analyzing the characteristics of grain size and the susceptibilities of the sedimentary samples, we identified several flood events in the lower reach of Yangtze River.

对剖面进行详细的分析和对比后,发现两个剖面无论在层理构造还是沉积物组成都有很大差别的,两个剖面分别为河漫滩相沉积和河床沉积。There are a lot of differences between the two profiles in bedding structure and component of sediments. One profile is floodplain deposits, and another is riverbed deposits.

与上游的山区河床段无河漫滩沉积相比,该区泾河段能够指示洪水期河床水深与河漫滩水深、水位的河漫滩相沉积发育很好,是研究泾河洪水变化的非常理想的河段。Compare with North China Plain, the terraces and floodplains of this area developed well, and the stage changes of river development on sediments and landforms are very clear.

本文分析了河漫滩组成物质的粒度组成特征,并与河床质粒径级配与悬移质粒径级配进行了比较,研究了河漫滩宽度及物质组成对河槽几何形态的影响。This paper analyzes grain size characteristics based on samples of flood plain substance composition collected systematically from Longmen Sanmenxia section of the Yellow River.

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分析认为该区长2为辫状河沉积体系,物源来自北东方向,主要发育河道、河道砂坝和河漫滩微相类型。The paper conclusion that Chang 2 belonged to braided stream depositional system tract, the provenance was from north east and mainly developed channel, channel bar and flood plain.

对沿江两岸河漫滩的分布特征、漫滩地貌、漫滩结构、漫滩基底结构、漫滩水文地质条件等进行了分析。The distribution feature of the flood land along the river, its landform and structure, basal structures and hydrologic conditions are analyzed based on the data collected systematically.

孤岛、孤东油田馆陶组上段为河流相沉积,发育的微相主要有心滩、边滩、谷底滞留沉积、天然堤、决口扇、河漫湖泊、河漫滩等。The upper member of Guantao Formation consists mainly channel bar, point bar, arrested deposits on valley floor, natural levee, crevasse splay, alluvial lake and alluvial flat microfacies.