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大岩组成!Great rock composition!

它是用乐高积木组成的!It's made of Lego bricks!

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也能组成一个集合。They cluster in that way.

小膜3由三列动基列组成。P3 composed of three rows.

让我们来组成一个合成词。Let's make a compound word.

我们是由软性物质组成的。We are made of soft matter.

永远都由许多的现在组成。Forever is composed of nows.

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一个球队由教练和队员组成。Coach and cagers make a team.

水是由氧和氢组成。Hydrogen is highly explosive.

跨站点组成员。Members of cross-site groups.

这是一篇由多个部分组成的文章。This is a multi-part article.

是由五个字母组成的单词。Apple is a five-lettered word.

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它由许多回调组成。It consists of many callbacks.

由淀粉组成的或包含淀粉的。Similar to or yielding farina.

利比亚反叛军是一群乌合之众组成的军事力量。The rebels are a ragtag force.

这是一个由三个阶段组成的过程。This is a three-phase process.

这份盘装菜由什么组成。What does this dish consist of?

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水是由氧和氢组成。Hydrogen is lighter than oxygen.

水是由两种元素组成的。Water is formed of two elements.

它们是由一个个部分组成的。They are composed of their parts.