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过街天桥上都挂上鼓励步行和骑车的条幅。Crosswalks een got a fresh coat of paint to encourage walking and biking.

过街天桥上都挂上鼓励步行和骑车的条幅。Crosswalks even got a fresh coat of paint to encourage walking and biking.

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街上到处是年轻人们举着条幅游行。Everywhere, there were processions of young people with bands and banners.

为了引起民众关注,一条写有“拯救巅峰”的条幅被挂在标志上面。To raise awareness, banner reading 'Save the Peak' was used to drapethe sign.

这样吧,我随后用毛笔写个条幅寄给你,怎么样?Let's do it this way. In a few days I'll use my brush to write a scroll for you.

白石老人一幅条幅,画的下方只画了三只小鸡。Painter baishi-qi a banner, painted just below the painting of the three chicks.

紫色的大条幅上,泛着点点银光,就像迸溅的水花。Dots of silver light float on the big purple scroll, they are like the splashed spray.

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可打印制作各种彩色条幅,双透旗帜,油画布等多种涂织物及纺织布料。It can print a variety of color banners, flags, canvas and some other textile fabrics.

Doubleclick是条幅广告的一流供应商,就像本页面顶端的那条。Doubleclick is the leading provider of banner ads, like the one at the top of this page.

具备条幅机和刻字机两种机器功能,使购买者更为实惠。Having the functions of banner imprinter and carving printer, more cconomical to buyers.

现场大约来了400名豌豆,很多举着金贤重25岁生日的条幅等。The studio was filled with 400 green peas all with kim hyun joong 25th birthday printed nicely.

中国工艺美术大师王殿太先生对永进产品质量和造型给予高度评价,并在条幅上签字。China's famous industrial designer Mr. Wang Yi-tai appreciated Yongjin's design and signed for it.

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人们在自己的房子里挂上条幅,通常由纸或布制成,呈鱼状。People fly banners on their houses. The banners are made of paper or cloth, and they look like fish.

受害者的亲属使用黑色条幅谴责内塔尼亚胡屈从于恐怖主义分子。Relations of the victims have carried black banners, accusing Mr Netanyahu of truckling to terrorists.

众多大的条幅竖起来了,宣讲学生有义务让自己远离虐待性质的人际关系。Large banners are put up, and students sign and make a commitment not to be in an abusive relationship.

盛仰高先生将手书“与时逐而不责于人”条幅赠与南浔区,并作讲解。Mr. Sheng Yang Gao presents his penmanship to Nan Xun government and explains the meaning of the words.

学校门口张灯结彩,大红的灯笼,彩色的条幅,管乐队正迎着太阳演奏。The school gate decorations, bright red lantern, colored banners, wind band is playing against the SUNS.

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剪贴内容可以编辑,整理,保存为PDF文件或打印出来,使用户免受条幅广告和边框内容的困扰。These clips can be edited, enhanced, saved as a PDF or printed out, without excess banner ads or sidebars.

走近一看,条幅上写的是“佛山少年黄飞鸿欢迎您”,这才恍然大悟,佛山不就是他的故乡嘛!汗!On the flag it is written "Wong Fei Hung welcomes you to Foshan"that reminded me this is also the hometown of him.

灯笼上俏丽的鼠姑娘穿着大红衣裙,小手扯着吉祥的条幅,给大家带来了祝福和快乐。The pretty Mouse Girl in a red dress on the lantern holds a band in her little hands, wishing all a Happy New Year.