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我们在危机四伏之际汇聚在一起。We are meeting at a time of crisis.

但是这里很安全,没必要感到危机四伏。But it's safe and there's no need to feel unsafe.

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超载超速,危机四伏。Overload and overspeed, threatened by growing crises.

他们离开了伊渥克人的小屋,走进恩多星危机四伏的黑夜。They left the Ewok hut, trekking into the dangerous Endor night.

传说中危机四伏的死亡之地,吞噬一切生灵的神秘巨兽。In fable place of the crisis-ridden death, swallows all lives mystical big game.

玛瑟将这类智慧归因于章鱼危机四伏的生活环境。Mather attributes this type of intelligence to the octopuses' dangerous habitats.

但是一上任便危机四伏,似乎有人在阻止查案的继续。But a crisis took office, as if someone was in preventing the continue to conduct.

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危机四伏的船上,刀锋和胡畔与潜伏的忍者交火,双方大打出手。Crisis on the boat, blade and hu bank of latent ninja firefight, both sides fights.

她勇敢面对危险,和部队在赫尔曼德省一起度过了危机四伏的时光。She braved the dangers of war to spend time with troops in the treacherous Helmand Province.

而且由于政客们的僵持,对危机四伏的汽车工业的财政支持也在被拖延着。And financial aid for the beleaguered auto industry is being stalled by a political standoff.

面对当时危机四伏的情况,他做出的选择实属无奈。Faced with the circumstance in which everything was at crisis, he had no other choice but do that.

虽然灵林是一块真命“天子”的成长宝地,但同时也危机四伏。Although Lin Ling is a true life, "the Son of Heaven, " the growth of treasure, but also dangerous.

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这可能是因为迷信给我们一种感觉——可以在这个危机四伏,变化莫测的世界里掌控好自己。This may be because superstitions allow us the illusion of control in what is a scary, random world.

但如果我被判有罪,则意味着俄罗斯的艺术和艺术家已经接近一个危机四伏的时代。If I am found guilty, it means we are approaching a critical time for art and artists in this country.

但是这里可能也是危机四伏。长达六米的雄恒河鳄同样栖息河里,在晚间觅食。Male gharial that grow up to six metres long also inhabit these waters, and at night they're on the hunt.

顺理成章——如果你周围的环境压力巨大,危机四伏,你可能就只能那么做了。That makes perfect sense – if your environment is full of stress and danger, you probably should do that.

在金融危机影响下,曾一度受投资者青睐的银行理财产品面临危机四伏的境遇。Influenced by financial crisis, bank-financing products once favored by investors are facing potential crisis.

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因此,提倡多样性面临危机四伏,在法国实行少数民族代表制仍是遥不可期。Thus, promoting diversity is a minefield and minority representation in French politics still remains a dream.

联合国维和任务区危机四伏,维和人员的生命安全受到极大的威胁。The UN peacekeeping mission area is fraught with dangers that constantly threaten the lives of the peacekeepers.

只要被禁锢在一个单一的星球上,人类的长期生就是存危机四伏的。"The long-term survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a single plannet, "he explained.