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自然光总是随时空变化着。Daylight is always changing with space-time.

太阳的自然光会暴露冷色调打印。The sun's natural light will expose cyanotype prints.

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这种独特的设计允许自然光间接性穿过。This unique design allows natural indirect light to pass through.

自然光或者“白光”实际上是由许多种颜色组成的。Natural light or “white” light is actually made up of many colours.

双门入口有可爱的螺旋楼梯和大量的自然光。Double-door entry has lovely spiral staircase with lots of natural light.

对于中远距离和背景,你依然要依赖自然光。You are always relying on ambient light for the mid-ground and background.

中央正方体从视觉高度上凸出,保证了自然光的采用。The center square emerges to bring light from the heights of the vestibule.

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给自己一个闹钟让你在自然光和声音下醒来。Get yourself an alarm clock that wakes you up with natural light and sounds.

在南面通过两种方式的开洞提供了自然光。In the southern side providing light by the openings were created in two ways.

除了自然光,可以考虑使用灯具或其他形式的光线。Along with natural light, consider getting a lamp or some other types of lighting.

自然光会告诉你的生物钟应该清醒一下了,这比灯光效果更好。Natural sunlight alerts your internal clock to wake up better than artificial light.

对于广角拍摄,使用相机的曝光表来决定正确的自然光曝光。For wide angle, use the camera's light meter to determine a good ambient light setting.

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自然光有助于调校你的生物钟,所以你要多做户外运动。Natural light helps to regulate your biological clock, so exercise outdoors if you can.

对于自然醒闹钟功能表现自然光照明想起。For a natural awakening alarm clock function performs lighting reminiscent of natural light.

在TCW,一个绿色设计的概念可以通过那些引入自然光的窗户看出来。At TCW one example of green design can be seen in the many windows that let in natural light.

这个院落只有15乘15平方米,但却能为所有房间提供自然光,并充当一个天然的绿肺。A 15 x15 metre square, it ensures sunlight for all the rooms and acts as a kind of green lung.

巨大的iroko木框架窗户插入正立面,自然光充斥着内部。Large iroko wood-framed windows inserted into the facades flood the interior with natural light.

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大量的自然光将把活力带进你的空间里,此外,也为视频拍摄提供了最好的光线。Lots of natural light brings energy into your space and also makes the best lighting for videos.

这里,有太阳能发电、绿能发电,以及自然光源,这些都是环保绿能。Solar cells, a biofuel generator, and natural lighting are just some of the eco-friendly features.

在这里,天窗让自然光从休息室过滤到卧室。Here, clerestory windows that allow natural light to filter from the lounge through to the bedroom.