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使外部热消和照明弹。Makes external heat dissipaters and flares.

这是飞机工具箱里的,只有一个照明弹。This was in the plane's toolbox. There's only one flare.

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更重要的是,直到照明弹消失后才离开。And more importantly , drag it out until flare wears off.

道路照明弹的持续时间从2分钟增加到4分钟。Road Flare duration increased from 2 minutes to 4 minutes.

道路照明弹现在将不会在死亡模式中为你的敌对小队提供视野。Road Flares now do not grant vision to the opposing Team in DM.

照明弹亮起的时候也正是日本人发起冲锋的时候。The flare burst at the moment the japanese started their charge.

到了晚上10点15分时,几发照明弹打上天空,苏军又开始了攻击。At 2215 a series of flares went up, and the Soviets attacked again.

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现在你手里拿的是一个德国照明弹上的降落伞。Right now you're holding a parachute from a German flare in your hands.

12月份,示威者在西伯利亚城市克拉斯诺亚尔斯克点燃了照明弹。In December, protesters in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk held up flares.

修正了一个武装侦察兵的照明弹和激光指示器的热键冲突的问题。Fixed a hotkey conflict with Illumination Rounds and Laser Designator for FO.

以军发射的照明弹照亮了北部加沙地带的夜空。Flares fired by Israeli forces light up the sky above the northern Gaza Strip.

虽然携带标准照明弹和震荡手雷,但他们很少参加大型战斗。They carry standard flares and concussion grenades, but rarely engage in heavy combat.

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在照明弹和坦克残骸上燃起的火焰照耀下,垂死的人们扭成一团。In the light of flares and the glow of burning tanks, men were locked in a death struggle.

在前线某个地方传来阵阵枪声,还有短促的自动武器射击声,有人在释放照明弹。Somewhere on the frontline, were sounds of gunfire, short automatic bursts, somebody was shooting flares.

紧跟着的是洛杉矶上空一中队空军飞机的射击声和圣摩尼卡的一个球载照明弹。This was followed by reports of a squadron of aircraft over LA and a balloon-borne flare over Santa Monica.

在任何不可见情况下施放照明弹都不会再造成其它玩家看不到你的照明弹。Casting Flare while in any way not visible, will no longer cause your flare to be invisible to other players.

苏军作好准备,并且,猛烈的防空炮开火和300颗以上的照明弹设法驱散入侵者。The Soviets were prepared, however, and intense AA fire and over 300 searchlights managed to disperse the raiders.

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周二早些时候达到峰值的照明弹,制造了一个巨大的云覆盖了几乎一半的太阳表面,NASA说。The flare peaked early Tuesday and created a large cloud that appeared to cover almost half the surface of the sun, NASA said.

夜晚在慢慢过去。苏联人发射照明弹,到处乱开枪,甚至把高音喇叭搬到了阵地上来骚扰德国人。The night dragged on, with the Soviets firing flares, shooting weapons and even bringing up a loudspeaker to harass the Germans.

卤化锶、硝酸锶和氯酸锶极易挥发,并能使火焰呈亮猩红色,用于各种照明弹、烟花和曳光弹中。The nitrate and chlorate, very volatile, give off brilliant crimson flames and are used in flares, fireworks, and tracer bullets.