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等上十分钟你不会见怪吧?Do you mind waiting for ten minutes?

我只能给你小小的意思一下,不要见怪。I’d like to give you a little extra.

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有我守着他,默斯格罗夫夫妇不会见怪的。Mr and Mrs Musgrove cannot think it wrong while I remain with him.

我还以为是什么人无故前来纠缠,望勿见怪。I imagined it was some importunate person who-I beg you will excuse me.

澜惠见怪鱼进水后也慢悠悠的返回了四阿哥那。The Lan Hui was alsooffended fish to after entering water also slowly and longly return four elder brother that.

“再用劲儿就要把船弄翻了,”他说,“你必须顶住,先生,请勿见怪,你要坚持到你认为已大功告成的时候。”"Not without swamping the boat, " said he. "You must bear up, sir, if you please--bear up until you see you're gaining. "

也就是说,自从“见怪”以来,高祖每次喝酒,都给武负、王媪酒酬数倍。" In other words, since the "excuse me", the emperor of each drink, gave a negative force, Wang old woman Liquor paid several times.

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舅父母和我相知颇深,决不会见怪,我因此才大胆提出要求,而且我还有别的事要求舅父帮忙。I know my dear uncle and aunt so well that I am not afraid of requesting it, though I have still something more to ask of the former.

“战友之间没有什么见怪的,”他一边回答,一边退了出去,沿着顶层的走廊避开了一个他认为随时都有可能做蠢事的粗鲁家伙。"Not between old comrades in arms, " he said, and backed out and along the top corridor away form a tyke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him.

武团长调查到马营长的死因和内幕,惧怕司令见怪,向杜督察受贿以求保全本身。Wu colonel investigation to the horse and insider battalion commander of the cause of death, fear of the commander, to du inspectors bribery in order to save itself.