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那就是一种『加料的』堆肥法。It is composting with a twist.

在加拿大,普丁是杂烩型,加料版本的肉汁薯条。Poutine is a messy, rich version of gravy fries in Canada.

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我那秘方仙汤的秘方是不加料。The secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup is nothing.

烘料桶画出“加料线”,划定加料时间。Baked material barrel draw "feeding line", delimit feeding time.

然后你就可以擀面,往上加料和烘焙了。After that, you can roll it out and get it ready to top and bake.

介绍了冲天炉加料自动控制系统。The automatic control system of the cupola feeding is introduced.

你要不断的为你的人系网络加料,以保证其不会枯萎。You have to feed the fire of your network or it will wither or die.

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成型、加料、热封、打批号、冲裁一条龙完成。Forming, feeding, sealing, batch number, blanking one-stop complete.

在这种情况下加料可能会导致额外的加料汽化。Filling during such conditions may result in excessive feed vaporization.

流行的瑞格雷口香糖香型包括薄荷、加料薄荷及果汁型。Popular Wrigley gum flavors include Spearmint, Doublemint, and Juicy Fruit.

该机构包括加料装置、热装置、压装置、切装置等。The system includes charging, heating, compaction and cutting devices, ect.

通过加料回收,误差统计,结果对照认为方法简便、快速、准确。The results show that the method is very convenient, high-speed and precise.

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这首诗根本显示出倾向性信息给那些对外仇恨加油加料。The point of this "poem" was to show how slanted information fuels xenophobia.

从而总结出菊花萃取物在烟草加料加香中的作用。As a summary of Chrysanthemum extracts in the role of tobacco additives flavor.

最后讨论了器壁再循环对密度控制的影响和送气的加料效率。The influence of wall recycling and fuelling efficiency of gas puffing are discussed.

本发明公开了一种电解铝天车屋顶加料装置。The invention discloses a roof feeding device of an electrolytic aluminum crane block.

结果表明,型砂各性能均随加料顺序和混砂时间的不同而变化。It is shown that properties of green sand vary with charging sequence and mulling time.

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出渣口的大块材料必须移开以便于加料。Large piece of material at dregs-outlet must be removed, which is favorable to feeding.

店员要加料吗?有莴苣、蕃茄、洋葱、起司,还有苜宿芽。SALESCLERK And toppings ? We have lettuce, tomato, onions, cheese, and alfalfa sprouts.

采用种子半连续加料方式有利于增大SBR的粒径。The particle diameter of SBR latex could be increased by semi-continuous loading method.