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德国使用芥子气干扰同盟军队的炮兵。Germans introduced mustard gas which interfered with the Allied artillery.

结论芥子气染毒能诱导小鼠皮肤蛋白表达谱的改变。CONCLUSION Sulfur mustard can alter the protein expression patterns of mouse skin.

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结果芥子气中毒眼部损伤具有潜伏期。Results An incubation period was found in eye injury after the exposure to mustard gas.

有些辣椒化合物,酱油,预拌香料,一些调味粉,某些品牌的芥子气。Some pepper compounds, shoyu , ready-mix spices, some seasoning powders, certain brands of mustard.

人们在逃离从天而降的神经毒气和芥子气的时候,常常一家人一起惨遭荼毒。Whole families died while trying to flee clouds of nerve and mustard agents descending from the sky.

采用甲基纤维素分离白细胞染色镜检法对小鼠芥子气中毒后外周血淋巴细胞的微核率进行了检测。The changes of the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral lymphocytes in mice poisoned by mustard gas were studied.

了解此病理过程对研究芥子气中毒和治疗有重要意义。The understanding of this pathological process is beneficial to the study of mustard gas poisoning and its treatment.

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部分地区必须采用故障保险机制,因为芥子气在环境中可以长久的存留。Some areas should be kept secure as a failsafe because mustard gas can be very persistent in the environment, he warned.

海湾战争开始以来,盟军飞机和导弹曾轰炸伊拉克制造芥子气和神经毒气剂的化学武器工厂。Since the gulf war began, allied planes and missiles have pounded Iraqi chemical-weapons plants that manufacture mustard gas and nerve agents.

从二战期间志愿者参与的芥子气的测试开始,这仅仅是美国军方实施的众多化学战争试验中的一项而已。This was just one of many chemical warfare experiments conducted by the U.S. military, starting with volunteer tests involving mustard gas in World War II.

此后化学武器得到有效的禁用,直到氯气、光气和芥子气在第一次世界大战中恢复生产,并投入到战场上。Great peacetime advances in chemistry before the First World War made possible the manufacture and use of chlorine, phosgene, and mustard gas on the battlefield.

根据国防部消息,贝德福德郡的莱斯利和诺丁汉郡的斯帕尔福德沃伦这些历史上曾用于销毁芥子气的地区,仍然禁止公众进入。According to the MoD, areas historically used for the disposal of mustard gas are still fenced off at Riseley in Bedfordshire and at Spalford Warren in Nottinghamshire.

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中国政府表示日本留下大约200万件化学品——炮弹、炸弹以及装有芥子气、光气、氰化氢和刘易氏毒气的桶。The Chinese government says that Japan left some 2 million chemical munitions —shells, bombs and barrels of deadly agents such as mustard gas, phosgene, hydrogen cyanide and lewisite.

自一战以来,英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰地区就制造、贮存、燃烧或倾泄了数万吨芥子气、光气和其他致命化学物质。Tens of thousands of tonnes of mustard gas, phosgene and other lethal chemicals have been made, stored, burned and dumped at sites in England, Wales and Scotland since the first world war.

1934年,两个团共大约7000人的苏联地面部队,在坦克、飞机以及装备了芥子气的火炮团的支援下,越过中苏边界,以帮助盛世才控制新疆。In 1934, two brigades of about 7,000 Soviet Russian GPU troops, backed by tanks, airplanesand artillery with mustard gas, crossed the border to assist ShengShicai in gaining control of Xinjiang.