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抱歉,我们不收远期支票。I'm sorry. We don't accept postdated checks.

远期日运载能力为100万人次。The long- term day carries the ability as 100.

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即远期利率等于未来即期利率的期望值Forward rates equal expected future spot rates.

对于中期和远期上他必须做什么?What must he do for the medium and longer term?

它是否会继续实现远期的目标?Will it contribute to reaching long-term goals?

抱歉,我们不收远期支票。I am sorry we don't accept the postdated checks.

我们目前还不受理远期支票。We can not handle post-dated checks at the moment.

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短期临床效果好,中远期临床效果在进一步观察中。The long term effects need to be observed further more.

用于预测患者预后和远期生存状态。Predict patients' prognosis and fututre surviving state.

那员工发著牢骚说,“法律应该要禁止开远期支票”。Post-dated checks should be illegal grumbled the employee.

接着我们会学习,期货市场与远期市场Then I want to move to futures markets and forward markets.

术后3个月随访,无远期并发症发生。After 3 months follow-up, there was no long-term complications.

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贵公司的付款条件是下定金呢还是远期付款?As for your payment term is they down payment or unasked payment?

其远期污染是不可预知或还未预知的。Besides, the long term pollution is not predicable and unforeseen.

FS可导致近期及远期海马结构病变。FS can lead to acute and chronic changes of hippocampal structure.

从远期目标看,财产税应建设成为我国地方税的主体税种。Estate tax can be the main body of local taxation in the long-term.

主要不足之处为远期疗效较多穴埋线组差。But its long-term effect is worse than that of multi-acupoints group.

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还对受265拉特照射后活存狗的远期效应进行观察。And the late effect of 265 rads Co60 r-irradiation in dogs was observed.

正因为这一理由,远期市场很少全由套利交易者组成…For this very reason forward markets rarely consist entirely of hedgers.

我给他写了一封信,问他是否提出了"远期利率"I wrote him a letter and I said, basically, did you invent forward rates?