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玩味句子结构。Playing with structures.

他的话值得玩味。It is worthwhile to ruminate over his remarks.

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首先,基督的唯一性值得玩味。The uniqueness of Christ is a tricky one for a start.

智能手机在主流化,其中细节更值得玩味。Smartphones go mainstream, but the devil’s in the details.

火星上可能有安山岩存在,这很值得玩味。The possible existence of andesites on Mars is intriguing.

其背后的目的与深意也颇为值得玩味。Its underlying purposes and inwardness quite worth pondering.

打造自我专属品牌」欧布徳美式休閒品牌低调的奢华,永远值得你玩味。You are worth the low-profile luxury that the O. B. has to offer.

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这款镀白金色长耳环将充满玩味元素的浪漫魅力完美呈现。This set of long rhodium-plated earrings reflects playful romance.

艾米莉·狄更生在索居生活中反复玩味着人生、死亡和永生。During her separated life, she ruminated life, death, and eternity.

这款充满玩味元素的设计,是童心未泯人士与时尚爱好者的理想选择。The fun design is perfect for the young at heart. and trendy fashionistas.

他坐在池塘旁边,仔细玩味着经理对他的批评。He sat by the pond chewing the cud of the criticisms coming from his manager.

在眼尾末梢的地方收尾,可以稍微画过一点显得比较玩味点。In the local ending of eye end end, can have drawn a little appeared compare ponder dot.

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瞻园路上的宫灯一直被网友细细玩味。The palace lantern on road of look up garden all the time by the netizen fine fine ponder.

导演将他的老鼠切片的过程,一齣影像的真实秀,让人玩味影像与真实之间的吊诡。Playing with his little mouse, Carlito, Luis Nieto leads us to think of the truth of images.

我知道,我接下来会玩味她,给她打个分,而我也知道,其实她并不想要我,十分钟内我就能完事,回来继续写作。I know I am going to score and I know they don't really want me. And within 10 minutes I am back writing.

他吸了一口烟,同时玩味着听众脸上那种好奇的神情,他们正在考虑这种意想不到的开场白。He drew on his cigarette and savoured his listeners' curious looks as they pondered this unexpected opening.

陈季同与他留给后世的作品正是因为充满了矛盾而备值得玩味与探究。Both Tcheng -Ki-Tong and his works are full of contradiction, which made them worth ruminating and exploring.

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到戏楼看戏更多是一种对于戏的玩味和生活的消闲。Sees a play many to the stage platform is one kind regarding play's pondering with life whiling away the time.

而从中产生的改变,又以网路如何从虚拟走向真实、影响真实最令人玩味。Besides, people would like to know how it has been transforming virtuality into reality, and further, influencing reality.

我细细玩味,感到其真有点“贫贱不能移,富贵不能淫”的风骨。Careful pondering, I am really a bit of its "poverty can not be changed, wealth can not be sex, " the strength of character.