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不要两极分化,综合一下。Rather than polarize, synthesize.

花芽分化是在图片。The flower bud is in the picture.

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许多其它类型的细胞也难以分化出来。Many of the cell types are missing.

精氨酸只在刚分化的芽中存在。Arginine was present in the bud only.

中国收入两极分化日益严重。China's incomes are increasingly polarised.

当然还有许多更细的分化。There are, however, many more subdivisions.

在这个问题上公众的意见已经两极分化了。Public opinions have polarized on this issue.

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它们已经几近分化之能事They have become as different as they can be.

美国阶级在分化。America’s classes are separating and changing.

用丁酸钠诱导其分化。Differentiation was induced by sodium butyrate.

分化较好,类似于尿道上皮,不过确实是肿瘤,未见向右侧浸润。No invasion to the right is seen at this point.

因此,在分化中祖细胞损失了些潜能So there's a loss of potential in this division.

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第二个问题,管理结构被过度分化。Second, the regulatory structure is too atomised.

此举让思科的产品进一步分化。The launch further diversifies Cisco's offerings.

愈伤组织在分化培养基上产生幼芽。The calli produced buds on differentiation medium.

未分化型细胞可能是起源细胞。LSCC may be originated from undifferentiated cells.

叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化。Leaf had no differentiation of palisade and spongy.

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我所说的产品被分化了是什么意思呢So what do I mean by products being differentiated?

ZB群菌株分化最大,共出现了14个生理小种。ZB group differentiated greatly including 14 races.

血红细胞是一种终末分化细胞Red blood cells are terminally differentiated cells.