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他逐日改过自新。He amends day by day.

是你改过自新的时候了。It's time you amended your ways.

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我只希望能够在上帝面前改过自新。I just wanted to get my own heart right before God.

他决定要改过自新而且用功读书。He decided to turn over a new leaf and study harder.

他已改过自新,并决心成为一个有所作为的人。He has straightened up and make something of himself.

学校为此成立了一个特别小组,以帮助她改过自新。A special group has been set up in the school to help her.

那个刑满出狱的犯人已改过自新,现在成为对社会有益的一员了。The ex-convict had reformed and was now a productive member of society.

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然后,告诉你的朋友,你会暂时中止你们的关系,直到她改过自新。Then tell your friend you're suspending your relationship until she straightens up.

一个前度贼人试图改过自新,并且向陷害他的人进行报复…A former thief who is trying to go straight seeks vengeance on those who framed him.

所以后来他改过自新,决定停止做恶作剧并努力学习。So he then turned over a new leaf and decided to drop the pranks and tried his best to study.

他决定改过自新,艰苦朴素,重新得到家人的尊敬。He decided to turn over a new leaf. He would live simply and regain the respect of his family.

我决心籍您的天惠忏悔我的罪孽通过我的苦修改过自新。I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins to do penance and amend my life.

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虽然有些性侵犯者是无可救药的,但是也有许多已经改过自新了。Though some sex offenders are incorrigible, many have done their time and turned their lives around.

是的,毫无疑问。我可以说我是一个改过自新的人,不再危害社会,上帝保证。完全悔过。Yes sir, without a doubt. I can say I'm a changed man. No danger to society, that's the God's honest.

此外,我们应该给罪犯一个弥补过错,改过自新的机会。Besides, we should give another chance for the criminals to remedy their mistakes and amend themselves.

你一直是善解人意的女孩,希望你能够原谅我,给我改过自新的机会。You have been thoughtful girl, hope you can forgive me, give me the opportunity to turn over a new leaf.

善后辅导的主要目的,在于帮助释囚改过自新并重返社会。After-care services aim at facilitating the ex-offenders' rehabilitation and reintegration into the society.

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没有人说,罪犯的改过自新后象音乐节奏。这儿服刑人员和他们的导师正在一起上音乐课。Nothing says rehabilitation like rhythm. Here, prisoners and their instructor get down during a music class.

“当人们所生存的国家改变”,人们才能在不知不觉中改变,一名改过自新的民兵如是说。"When the country in which they live changes", people change unrecognisably, a reformed militiaman explains.

其时苹果公司声称富士康公司已经改过自新,它将继续使用该承包商。At the time Apple claimed that Foxconn had cleaned up its act and it would continue to use the subcontractor.