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我要到火车站去迎接你。I'll meet your train.

他为迎接来客仔细整理。He primps for callers.

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他站起来迎接我。He rose to welcome me.

为迎接阿童木做好准备。Get ready for Astro Boy.

让我们迎接这个时刻。Solet’s meet the moment.

是的,起来迎接他的。Yes, to go and meet him.

生活是挑战,迎接它吧。Life is a challange. meet it.

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他们跑着来迎接我。They came running to meet me.

乐队奏乐迎接宾客。The band played the guests in.

工会采取果断行动以迎接困难。The trade union battened down.

安东·契诃夫,快去迎接斯蒂芬·乔布斯。Anton Chekhov, meet Steve Jobs.

穿靴猫跑出去迎接他们。He hurried forward to meet her.

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他欢喜地迎接客人。He welcomed the guests with joy.

她跑下台阶来迎接我们。She ran down the steps to meet us.

更换门头,迎接圣诞、新年的到来!Here come the Christmas and New Year!

心不甘,情不愿地迎接星期日。I just unconcealed to welcome Sunday.

迎接她的是一片嘘声。She was greeted with boos and hisses.

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他们振奋精神迎接考验。They manned themselves for an ordeal.

我们要出门迎接阳光、沙滩和贝壳。You're off for sun, sand, and shells.

季奚正在吃饭,但还是迎接了他们。Keesh was eating but he welcomes them.