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字体渲染也很乱。Font rendering was a mess.

绘制颜色代码渲染路径。Draw color-coded render paths.

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按F8渲染摄像机视图。Press F9 to render the Camera view.

我使用HDRI来保存原始的渲染。I used HDRI to save the raw renders.

用于所有渲染的着色器脚本。Shader scripts used for all rendering.

定义渲染器或者内联地实现它Define the renderer or implement inline

这事件被新闻界作了渲染。The affair was dramatized by the press.

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下图是我使用光能传递渲染的。Here is a render where I used radiosity.

我认为这种恐慌渲染太过了。I think these fears are vastly overblown.

媒体能从为数不多的“危机”中拎出一个进行渲染。The press can whip one up out of not much.

设置一个矩阵用于像素矫正渲染。Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering.

它嵌入了WebKit的做布局和渲染。It embeds Webkit to do layout and rendering.

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他总是大肆渲染他的风流韵事。He always embellishes his romantic escapades.

我使用vray渲染器来创建这幅图像。I used V-ray renderer to create this picture.

在全部LOD,树木渲染的最大数。Maximum number of trees rendered at full LOD.

我仍然说,体素渲染更有效。I still say Voxel rendering is more efficient.

电视往往渲染暴力。Television tends to glamorize acts of violence.

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各报又在大肆渲染石油危机了。The papers are playing up the oil crises again.

产品的纹理贴图和渲染。Creature Texturing and Rendering for Production.

我们的卡米诺波浪以两分钟一帧的速度进行渲染。Our Kamino waves rendered at two minutes a frame.