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我又哆嗦了一下。I shivered again.

浪游者在山间小路哆嗦战栗…You are there by my side.

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冻得他哆嗦开了。He was shivering with cold.

尽管天气很热,但是他还是哆嗦了一下。Despite the heat, he shivered.

他冻得直哆嗦。He was so cold that he kept shivering.

赛瑟罗被带到了他们面前,哆嗦着。Cethru was brought before them trembling.

我不由自主的打了个哆嗦,独自行走。I involuntarily dozen cringe, walk alone.

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天气冷极了,我们全部打着哆嗦。It was so cold that we were all shivering.

我感觉到年轻的小伙子似乎在哆嗦。I could kind of feel the young fellow quivering.

他浑身一哆嗦,好像一只鹅已经踩在了他的坟头上。He shivers, as if a goose has trodden on his grave.

我用哆哆嗦嗦的手指最后整理了一下。With trembling fingers I put the finishing touches.

他面色惨白,手足都在哆嗦。He was as pale as death and trembling in every limb.

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我们就那样哆嗦地抱成一团,直到天快破晓。As we shiver to hold together until the day dawn soon.

她又低下眼睛,伸出了哆嗦的手。She looked down again, and put out her trembling hand.

梅利的手哆嗦着,几乎弄翻了她的咖啡杯。Melly's hand shook, almost upsetting her cup of coffee.

春天的风尖声喊道过去他们,潮湿和哆嗦。The spring wind shrilled past them, damp and quivering.

你的体温会升高,身体会发抖或哆嗦。Your temperature rises and your body shakes or trembles.

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像往常一样,他感到一阵哆嗦,甚至有些恶心。As always, the gin made him shudder and even retch slightly.

我赶紧穿好外衣,围上披巾,用哆嗦的手拉开门闩,打开门。I withdrew the bolt and opened the door with a trembling hand.

你不要我而宁愿要的就是那流口水的,哆嗦着的东西!And that is the slavering, shivering thing you preferred to me!