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或者,黎明的微光会照见她脚下的那条泥巴路。Either way, dawn showed a puddle between her feet.

更何况是阳光还未照见的向日葵。And what is the sunshine still not revelation sunflowers.

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他擦地板真卖力,都能在地板上照见你的脸。He polished the floor so hard you could see your face in it.

照见我的湖光山色。Meets my lake and mountain scenery complementing each other.

服装虽小技,却如一面镜子,照见了一个大社会。Costume is a very small area, but it reflects the big society.

这一空虚犹如明镜,我从中照见自己的脸,我感到厌恶以及恐惧。The void is a mirror, I see my face and feeling loathing and horror.

生活中有阴影,是因为它的另一面照见了阳光。There's the shadow in life because it meets the sun on the other side.

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悄悄地,她爬着靠近他,让光亮能照见他睡觉的样子。Quietly, she crept near him and let the light fall on his sleeping form.

要是没有别的鸽子,让它在镜子里照见自己也行。If no other pigeon is available, her own reflection in a mirror will suffice.

街面上的那些被人马踩踏得光溜平滑的石板,似乎还能照见往日的繁华。Those troops leaves in the streets Guangliu flat stone, but it seems as see past downtown.

十九世纪对现实主义的憎恶,犹如从镜子里照见自己面孔的卡利班的狂怒。The nineteen-century dislike of Realism is the rage of Caliban seeing his own face in a glass.

万倦红尘里忘没有掉昨夜忧伤,那片残灯照见了泪满的双颊。Not forget in the world of mortals tired last night, the sad residual light shine the tears full cheeks.

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街面上的那些被人马踩踏得光溜平滑的石板,似乎还能照见往日的繁华。The streets of those people were trampled Guangliu a smooth stone, as seems to be able to see the old downtown.

这块石头平滑如镜,能照见毛发,有人说是块美玉,其实呢,只是一块又白又光的大石头罢了。It's so smooth that can mirror your hair. It was pretty jade, someone said, but a big white smooth stone in fact!

观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空,渡一切苦厄。When Guanzizai Bodhisattva, line of deep wisdom paramita, meets the human attributes all to empty, crosses all bitter distress.

闪电瞥过长空,照见满天的乌云现在不复是墨灰的一片,而是分了浓淡。Flashes of lightning lit up the dark, cloudy sky, whose uniform leaden gloom HAD by now broken up into patches of black and grey.

火炬的微光只照见他们的枪刺,羽毛高耸的军帽和惊慌激怒的上半部面庞。The light of the torch illuminated only their bayonets, their bear-skin caps, and the upper part of their uneasy and angry faces.

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直至今天,所有的机器还是按照见惯不怪的经典力学定律运作,这些定律控制了所有寻常物体的运动。Until now, all machines have moved according to the not-surprising laws of classical mechanics, which govern the motion of everyday objects.

大概两小时后,我用手电筒照见猪排差不多接近可以吃的温度了,就走进屋准备煮上一些大米。Using a flashlight, I saw that after about two hours, the pork chops were nearing an edible temperature and went inside to put on some rice.

观自在菩萨行甚深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空。When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty.