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在现实中,它是一个党专政。In reality, it is a party dictatorship.

周恩来呼吁要结束一党专政!Zhou Enlai calls to abolish one party dictatorship.

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示威者提出“不要贪污,不要专政”。"No to corruption," they say. "No to dictatorship."

他们实际上要的是法西斯主义的一党专政。What they really want is a one-party fascist dictatorship.

专政也使貌似强硬成为必要。And as with all dictatorships, there is the need to seem tough.

大仲马信守共和政见,反对君主专政。Dumas kept the Republican political views, against the monarchy.

一党专政有可能是滑向法西斯主义的起点。A one-party state can be the start of the slippery slopetowards fascism.

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事实上它是一种很是专制专政的政治体制。Actually, its simply a very authoritarian, dictatorial political regime.

有些风格之间将水火不容,例如“自由”和“专政”。Some will be incompatible with others, for example, "Freedom" and "Tyranny.

对人民实行民主,对敌人实行专政,这就是人民民主专政。This is what we mean by strengthening the people's democratic dictatorship.

对人民实行民主,对敌人实行专政,这就是人民民主专政。The people's army is a staunch pillar of the people's democratic dictatorship.

其实,二张并没有形成强大的政治势力,更没有专政。In fact, two Zhangs had neither formed strong political force nor exercised dictatorship.

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第二,麦凯恩应该不断强调华盛顿一党专政的危害。Second, Mr McCain should hammer away at the dangers of single-party rule in Washington, DC.

世上的每一个人都渴望长久的自己,没有人会享受在残暴的专政统治下的生活。Everyone the world over longs for freedom, and no one enjoys living under a brutal dictatorship.

无视人民的饥饿和痛苦,北韩的专政为何还能如此如此巩固?Why does North Korea's dictatorship remain so entrenched despite causing such hunger and misery?

她发表常规警告称,俄罗斯正一步步倒退回前苏联模式下的专政。She delivered regular warnings that the country was drifting back to a Soviet-style dictatorship.

本文以其抗战时期的“主战和取消一党专政论”为研究对象。This paper focuses on the theory of "fight against Japanese and give up the one-party dictatorship".

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今年8月份萨玛被选举为人民力量党领导人,誓将“与军事专政做斗争”。The political knife fighter was elected PPP leader in August and vowed to fight "military dictatorship".

而这反过来又意味着一场以民主专政为武器的针对工人的新的大屠杀。And this would signify in turn a new massacre of the workers with the weapons of “democratic dictatorship.”

另外,腐败的膨胀和一党专政的蔓延引发了早期的明主运动。The rise in corruption and the spread of one-party rule triggered some of the early pro-democracy movements.