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⑧它在大桥街的右前方。It's Bridge Street.

前方是山脚。The mountains are in front.

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前方5英里之内没有路肩。No shoulder for next 5 miles.

标志刻在前方的按钮。Logo-engraved button at front.

那,前方的路是什么?What, then, is the way forward?

路的前方有一个公共汽车站。There's a bus-stop down the road.

前方像是有路,又像没路!A road ahead, and like like no way!

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她面无表情地注视著前方。She stared stonily in front of her.

当我看不见前方你就是我的眼眸。You where my eyes when couldn't see.

但是前方仍然存在挑战。But there are still challenges ahead.

但是前方的路又将如何?But what does the way ahead look like?

照办,多布斯。前方情况如何?Wilco dobbs. How's the view up front ?

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当我看不到前方,你就是我的眼眸。You were my eyes when I could not see.

一只狗在房子前方闲步。A dog is walking in front of the house.

但是前方还有很多陷阱。But there are plenty of pitfalls ahead.

前方军队将拿不到军饷Military troops will fight without pay.

任前方荆棘丛生我们将持之以恒。As we will persevere in front of thorns.

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前方即使荆棘丛生。Even if the problems in front of thorns.

另一个博克球状体位于其前方。Another Bok globule is in the foreground.

他把眼睛茫然凝视着他的前方。His eyes is staring his front ignorantly.