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我正如俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。I can see into a millstone as the saying is.

我正如俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。I can see into a millstone, as the saying be.

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俗语所说的一般能够洞察石磨。I can see into a millstone, as the saying is.

附近曾经出土过最古老的石磨盘。The most ancient millstone was unearthed just nearby.

用远大钻石磨具,是您明智的选择!Long-term use of diamond abrasive, you are a wise choice!

石磨把小麦磨成了白色的细面粉。The miller ground the ear of wheat into fine white flour.

把石磨抬到柴房里去吧,两百五十元钱呢!Put the stone into bavin room. It is two hundred and fifty yuan.

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什么规则,我原来在南山拉石磨时,连手工一共才花了五元钱。What is rule? I pull stone in the north mountain. It just spent five yuan.

石磨被琢好,然后费力用雪橇运下那崎岖不平的山坡。Millstones had been cut and laboriously sledged down the rough mountainsides.

磨盘安在地上,人推石磨时得弓腰缓行。The millstone installed on the ground. People should stoop to push it slowly.

石磨麦面粉和碾碎麦只是描述麦粒是被如何加工的。Stone ground wheat flour and cracked wheat just describe how grain is processed.

王奋发掏出钱来,“钱给你可以,你帮我们把石磨拉到我家。”Wang Fenfa took out the money. "Give you. You help us get the stone into my house. ""

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又说到新由石匠整治过的那副石磨,顺便告给了一个石匠的笑话。Describing how his mill had just been repaired, he threw in a joke about the stone-mason.

纳斯雷丁在院子里看到一盘石磨,便开端推着石磨转,越转越快。In the courtyard Nasreddin saw a stone mill. He began to push it around, faster and faster.

石磨将谷物研成粉末,再用筛过滤掉粗粒杂质,真正意义上的面食才得以出现。Millstones grind up cereals into powders. Sieve out the coarse grains. Then the real flour food appears.

费了半天口舌,张姓人答应给他们石磨,但要两百元钱的转让费。The Zhang promised to give them the stone. But they must give him two hundred yuan as the transfer fees.

传统手制石磨有机豆腐是喜筷的出品,本地师傅手工生产。"Xiang" traditional hand-made organic tofu is a product of Chopsticks and is handmade by local tofu masters.

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描述了广州造纸股份有限公司磨石磨木浆和预热木片磨木浆采用高浓H_2O_2漂白工艺的差异。The paper describes difference of the high consistency H_2O_2 bleaching process for SGW and TMP in Guangzhou Paper Co.

磨坊主人用上两代留下的石磨,研磨冬季玉米和夏季稻米。The miller ground winter corn and summer rice are on the same mill stones used by his grandfather and great-grandfather.

描述了广州造纸股份有限公司磨石磨木浆和预热木片磨木浆采用高浓H_2O_2漂白工艺的差异。The paper describes difference of the high consistency H_2O_2 bleaching process for SGW and TMP in Guangzhou Paper Co. , Ltd.