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只剩页页经书扰起一股悲风。The leaves of the sutra Merely stir a sad wind.

经书结束时以色列人定居埃及。The book closes with the Israelites residing in Egypt.

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丁鸿很有学问,对经书极有研究。Ding Hong great learning, who has researched the book right through.

但这些作品和那24卷经书无法具有同等地位。They simply weren't considered to be of the same status as the 24 books.

玄奘修建大雁塔是为了存放经书。Xuanzang built the pagoda in order to have a place for his Buddhist books.

由于经书是可熔的,所以当温度相当高时,它就会成为液体。Its being fusible makes metal into liquid when the temperature is high enough.

而我们的时代,腾出时间阅读宗教经书却是件难事。Making time for reading religious and sacred texts is a challenge in our own time.

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他十二岁时已经开始研习天台宗经书。When he was but twelve years old he was already studying Tendai philosophical speculation.

经书上的经再好,如果不去实践,那么它也仅仅是一些文字而已。The lection of classics is too better, If it is not practiced, is is nothing more than words.

毕摩经书与语言是安全永续的,抑或仅是学习汉语的一个台阶?Is the Script and Language of the Bimo Safe for ever or Only a Stepping Stone to Learning Han?

杰克•克鲁亚克写了这个作为对加里•斯奈德建议他写下第一本经书的回应。Jack Kerouac wrote this in response to Gary Snyder's suggestion that he write his first Sutra.

让我们来读几段关于基督的十字架怎样改变一个人的思想的经书。Let’s read a couple of texts that talk about how the cross of Christ makes a change in a person’s mind.

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这Elibron经书是一个由海因曼和马里士他,莱比锡1891年版影印版。This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1891 edition by Heinemann and Balestier, Leipzig.

经书承载着中国悠久的文化,传统的读经教育中蕴含着重要的教育方法。Ancient classics bear century-old Chinese culture and traditional education employs some helpful methods.

在中国古籍图书的发展史上,儒家经书成为格外醒目的一类。In the Chinese phylogeny of ancient book, the Confucian classics became one especially eye-striking kind.

那个尼姑拉德隆作了补充,“佛教徒相信真理,不仅仅只是经书上写的“。Lhadron, the nun, added, “Buddhists believe whatever reality is there, not just what such and such a text says.”

当其他10个信徒听到这个消息的时候,经书上说,他们对那两兄弟都很愤怒。When the ten other disciples heard about that, the Scriptures say they had indignation against the two brothers.

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据悉,该经书是于1475年传到朝鲜,被当时对曹洞宗非常感兴趣的朝鲜学者金时习用汉字抄写,并标注。When the shiphyeondam came to Korea, it was rewritten in Chinese characters by Kim, along with his own notes in 1475.

汉明帝下令建造一所寺庙供佛雕安身、收藏经书。Emperor Mingdi ordered that a temple be built to house a statue of Buddha and serve as a repository for the scriptures.

所征引的语言材料,可以分为三大类型,即经书群书、汉代通人之说与方言俗语。The material can be divided into three types, i. e. Confucian classics, the ordinary words of Han dynasty and dialects.