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撞车,还是汽车?Crashes, or motor-cars?

杰克在撞车事故中把汽车撞凹了。Jack dented up the car in the collision.

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然后她垂死挣扎,在时速80迈的撞车之后。Then dying, after that crash at 80 miles an hour.

撞车后,肇事车辆掉头就跑。After the crash, the vehicle to turn tail and run.

随时有些好玩又不合人家撞车的小段子。Alwayss have a few interesting and unique stories.

那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway.

我把驾驶盘一扭让汽车向路边闪过去,防止了一起撞车事件。I swerved to the side of the road to avoid a collision.

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每年造成超过100000昏昏欲睡驾车撞车。Each year drowsy driving causes more that 100000 car crashes.

火车撞车时前两节车箱叠嵌在一起了。The first two carriages of the train telescoped in the crash.

你看到库裘自己去撞车的那一幕了吗?Did you get to the part where Cujo throws himself at the car ?

在这次旅游车撞车事故中,有10人死亡,18人重伤。In the coach crash 10 people died and 18 were seriously injured.

允儿得悉简洁撞车,立即赶往医院。Allow that concise crash, and immediately rushed to the hospital.

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因为浓雾,在高速公路上发生了连续撞车事件。The car collision succeeded on the expressway due to a dense fog.

货车司机承认犯有撞车、逃逸和一般杀人罪。The pickup driver pleaded guilty to hit and run and manslaughter.

甚至在撞车之前,铁路网也一直受故障的困扰。Yet even before the crash, the network was plagued by breakdowns.

“你们两个快给我停下,我们要撞车了。”克劳迪娅生气地说。"Stop you two or we are going to crash, " said Claudia seriously.

男人的名字叫做布雷恩,他神色疲惫地答道,“在玻利维亚撞车了。He looked tired. "Crashed, " replied Brian, for that was his name.

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很多开车经过撞车现场的人探着头往外看,但没有谁把车停下来。Plenty of rubberneckers passed by the car crash, but nobody stopped.

我需要广泛地阅读以确保论点不会与近期其他文章“撞车”。I need to read widely to make sure I’m not duplicating recent articles.

紧跟着你交上去的在你撞车的时候的事实。Stick to the facts you gave in your statement at the time of the crash.