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你要知道一颗善良的心不会一直庇佑为你披荆斩棘。You know a heart of gold won't take you all the way.

你拥有披荆斩棘的勇气。But you possess the inner courage to see you through.

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探险家们得披荆斩棘,在茂密的灌木丛林中辟路前进。The explorers had to beat a path through the dense bushes.

有你在前面的披荆斩棘,才有后面众驴友的阔步前进。We can march through only because you are leading the way ahead.

轮回里,我执着地追寻,一路披荆斩棘。Reincarnation, I dedicated to the pursuit, clearing a path through.

我看到披荆斩棘者留下的斑斑血迹,看到无畏的跋涉者走过的深深脚印。I see brave man leave bloodstain, I see fearless trek who pass deeply footprint.

在通往成功的坎坷道路上,我们早就做好了披荆斩棘的准备。On the way to success, we have already prepared to hack our way through difficulties.

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进取心可以厘清一切,披荆斩棘直捣演化的精髓。Enterprise clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

他开始披荆斩棘,但是他宝剑所到之处都开出了蔷薇。He went to strike at the hedge, but where his sword met the thorns, great roses bloomed instead.

因为年轻,盐田人敢闯前人没走过的路,他们披荆斩棘,奋力开拓!Because young Yantian predecessors did not dare to take the road travelled, they break, making up!

他们就像在丛林中披荆斩棘,觅路前行的开拓者---他们必须随时应对各种情况。They were like explorers hacking their way through a jungle-they had to be prepared handle anything.

十几年披荆斩棘,立志托起民族畜禽屠宰加工机械业现代化的百年梦想!It will take on the century old dream of modernization of national slaughtering processing machinery!

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这一民调结果再次表明,奥巴马要想成功连任,必须披荆斩棘。The results of this poll again shows that Obama want to re-election, must be overcoming all obstacles.

我看到寻求幸福的道路百转千回荆棘密布,我更看到人们披荆斩棘跋山涉水一往无前的勇敢!I saw the road to seek the well-being of one hundred to over a thousand thorns back, I see people indomitable courage!

解放前,聂荣臻披荆斩棘,为中华民族的解放事业立下了不朽的功勋。Before liberation, Nie Rongzhen, all the way, for the cause of liberation of the Chinese nation have performed immortal feats.

当您在这个最有价值的职业中披荆斩棘地拼搏时,保留仔细的注释和有良好文档记录的代码将为您带来丰厚的回报。Keeping careful notes and well-documented code will serve you well as you work your way through this most rewarding of careers.

我们能不因他们而自豪吗?我们能不为他们而骄傲吗?朝日喷薄,霞光万丈,在新的征程上,他们又将披荆斩棘,奋力拼搏。We can not because they are proud of it? We can not do them proud ? Asahi gushing, Xiaguang miles, in the new journey, they will worked hard.

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他带着草帽,穿着结实的鞋子和深褐色裤子,勇敢地在灌木丛和百合科植物茁长的地方披荆斩棘,攀上一棵树去会见一只鹰和一只雀巢。He wore a straw hat, stout shoes, strong gray trousers, to brave scrub-oaks and smilax, and to climb a tree for a hawk's or a squirrel's nest.

不论是铺满细沙的海滩还是泥泞的山坡,精心设计的鲨鱼手表誓将披荆斩棘,勇往直前。No matter where you are , sandy beach or muddy hillside, well-designed SHARK watch will help your way through difficulties and go straight ahead.

伊利湖的流水披荆斩棘流向安大略湖,造就了现今的尼亚加拉河,目前河水流速为每小时56。3公里。The rushing water from Lake Erie carved its way to Lake Ontario and formed today's Niagara River, which currently flows at a speed of about 56. 3 kph.