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三分之一的工人会卷铺盖走人。One in three workers will be gone.

如果没有,就得卷铺盖走人。If they didn't, they were going home.

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如果你不努力工作,最好还是卷铺盖走吧。If you don't work well, you'd better pack up.

如果有人无法融入公司,不必犹豫,还是让他卷铺盖走人吧。Don't be afraid to let someone go if he doesn't fit in.

如果明天你迟到的话,那么卷铺盖走人。If you are late tomorrow, then you will pack yourself off.

很快,老板就会告诉你要么就保持健康,要么就卷铺盖走人。Soon the boss may tell employees to get healthy —or get lost.

在切尔西,巴西人斯科拉里一个赛季还没结束就在去年两月份卷铺盖走人了。At Chelsea, Luiz Felipe Scolari was dismissed in early February of his first season.

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当你剩下的,只有一卷铺盖的时候,你将很难再安于“轮椅上的革命”——只知道发牢骚,却继续束手待毙。When all you have is a roll-up mattress, it's hard to stay an armchair revolutionary.

通常,当一家公司宣告破产时,往往是股东卷铺盖走人,而由债权人控制公司。WHEN a firm declares bankruptcy, shareholders are typically wiped out and creditors seize control.

实际上,华尔街的大部分人士跟你我并无多大不同。而且他们也会在来势凶猛的裁员潮中卷铺盖走人。Wall Street is full of people no different from you. And they too are getting fired at a frightening clip.

在鸭岛和假按揭丑闻中,让这些无赖卷铺盖或许是最紧迫的事情。Amid the duck islands and dodgy mortgages, the turfing out of rogues might have been expected to top the wish list.

但还没等他让贝蒂娜卷铺盖走人,当地的一名王子便上得门来,而农夫也摇身一变成了宫廷侍从。But before he can send her packing, a local prince appears on his doorstep and the farmer becomes court chamberlain.

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毕业典礼一完,你的孩子就等着卷铺盖回家,跟你们二老再住上几年。After the commencement ceremony is over, your child will be ready to move back into your house for a period of several years.

出现失败时并不怎么有趣,而且在大多数情况下,涉及此项目的人都会卷铺盖走人。When they do, it's not much fun and in most cases, those involved would just rather sweep the whole thing under the rug and move on.

还有一些人直接睡到了大马路上或邻近的公园里。其余的人也是一有风吹草动便卷铺盖跑到外面露宿。Other people quickly gathered blankets and rushed outside, planning to join others already sleeping on the street or in neighborhood parks.

不要加入已开业35天以上的投资站,这个时候这些站点已经开始逐渐地卷铺盖走人了。Never join a hyip after 35 days it has been online, that is exactly the time that the specific hyip is gradually packing the suitcases to leave.

现在政府部门里之所以哀鸿遍野,很多人被迫卷铺盖回家,很大程度上是由于政府税收收入下降,但失业和医疗保险上的支出却出现了激增。The stubborn woes of today's government job market have been largely due to falling tax revenues while spending on unemployment and Medicaid has surged.