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格林童话呢?Grimm's fairy tales?

所以享受童话故事。So enjoy the fairytales.

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这首诗是个童话故事。The poem is a fairy tale.

童话徳第二结局。The second fairy tale ending.

童话是虚构的故事。Fairy tales are made-up stories.

爱情是一部忧伤的童话。Love is a sade -ending fairytale.

小孩子都爱听童话故事。Kids like to listen to fairy tales.

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峨眉山有着童话般的美丽。Emei Shan took on a fairytale beauty.

我真怀疑自己是到了一个童话世界。I suspect I have arrived in a fairyland.

我们也曾拥有过这个如童话般幸福的名字。We also have this fairy-tale happy name.

我认为这是另一个童话故事的梦话!I think another of your fairy tale dream!

我还在期待一个童话般的美好结局。I'm still hoping for a fairy-tale ending.

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请用英语复述这篇童话故事。Please retell the fairy story in English.

云海像童话中一样美丽。The sea of clouds has a fairy tale beauty.

他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。Their love story sounds like a fairy tale.

我们以童话故事使儿童娱乐。We beguiled the children with fairy tales.

后的童话,已成片段。After 80 fairy tale, already sliced section.

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而这就是童话的寓意。And that is what fairytales are meant to do.

结果是这一切童话故事都成真了。It turns out that the fairy tales come true.

夕阳下,童话一般的世界。Under setting sun, fairy tale general world.