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其次是巴录的儿子毗大雅修造。After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh.

这种行为有伤大雅。Such behaviour offends against good taste.

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他的话有伤大雅。His remarks trespassed the bounds of good taste.

他的举止有伤大雅。His manners transgressed the bounds of good taste.

大俗大雅之辈,也多有乐趣。Generation of big custom elegance, has delight also much.

他母亲名叫耶底大,是波斯加人亚大雅的女儿。And his mother's name was Jedidah, the daughter of Adaiah of Boscath.

壳牌大雅纳润滑油广泛应用于变压器和开关设备的润滑。Shell Diala oils are an extensive range of transformer and switchgear oils.

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其次是哈路抹的儿子耶大雅对著自己的房屋修造。And next unto them repaired Jedaiah the son of Harumaph, even over against his house.

十八世纪的画家与书法家,池大雅,在某些方面就好似日本的毕加索。The 18th-century painter and calligrapher Ike Taiga was something like the Pablo Picasso of Japan.

这些塑料袋令水道阻塞,田间混乱,它们破坏着花园,使树木有伤大雅。This floating trash clogs the waterways, clutters the fields, ruins the gardens and blights the trees.

当耶稣呼招西庇太的儿子-也被称为“大雅各”终身跟随他时,雅各只是个渔夫。James the Great Son of Zebedee, was a fisherman by trade when Jesus called him to a lifetime of ministry.

大雅纳GX系列将气体吸收到油中,从而防止气体增加,最大程度地降低了爆炸危险。Diala GX absorbs the gas back into the oil, preventing gas build-up and minimising the danger of explosion.

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不过,与错综复杂的贸易关系相比,这样的纠纷是不伤大雅的,只不过是平时相互迁就的范例罢了。But these are all small potatoes and just examples of the normal give-and-take of a complex trade relationship.

撒路,亚木,希勒家,耶大雅。这些人在耶书亚的时候作祭司,和他们弟兄的首领。Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, Jedaiah. These were the chief of the priests and of their brethren in the days of Jeshua.

俳优小说的品格有大俗大雅二重性,具有深刻的文学史和审丑的意蕴。It bears the refined and popular dual features and carries profound significance of literary history and judgement of the ugly.

桌上摆满了绿叶植物、全家福照片,还有五次去大雅茅斯带回来的纪念品?A forest of foliage, photographs of your extended family, and souvenirs from your last five trips to Great Yarmouth all on your desk?

西方人觉得这种喝汤法有失大雅,而且在餐着上剔牙和上妆很要不得。Westerners find eating soup this way most unpleasant. They also consider picking one's teeth and putting on makeup at the table no-nos.

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这次展览是美国第一次举办由池大雅作品主打的画展,令人喜悦的是作品数量、广度以及几乎是迅猛的生命力。The show is the first major survey of Taiga's work in the United States, and it is exhilarating in its profusion, range and almost ferocious vitality.

也许你的人性化特色早就通过一丛各色的树叶,庞大家庭的照片,和你过去五次去大雅茅斯的照片广为传播。Perhaps your humanity is already broadcast by a forest of foliage, photographs of your extended family, and souvenirs from your last five trips to Great Yarmouth.

小孩儿也别乱用药物,饮食留意一点就可以减轻症状,但即使有点这些不伤大雅的“小缺陷”也是一种“缺陷美”,不用多虑。Freeze is also a child with medication, diet can alleviate the symptoms point to note, but even if they do not hurt a bit Daya "small bug" is a "flawed beauty", to worry about.