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相反,杂牌军旧习气较重,保守色彩较浓。On the contrary, the regiments , close to the old China, had many elements of conservatism.

像绿脓杆菌这样的微生物曾经被认为是一支杂牌军,各自为战,互不联系。Microbes like P. aeruginosa were once thought of as disorganised renegades, each cell working alone.

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然而饮水机市场由于众多杂牌军加入该行业,竞争激烈。But since the numerous troops of motley backgrounds have joined this industry, the competition is fierce.

面对人员少结是该Fuwalda整个杂牌军,并在他们的头站在黑迈克尔。Facing the little knot of officers was the entire motley crew of the Fuwalda, and at their head stood Black Michael.

此外,杂牌军老是被东调西遣,受到蒋记特务的监视,装备又比蒋的嫡系部队差。Besides, they were always being shifted around, watched by Chiang's spies, given worse equipment than Chiang's favored forces.

有的军事分析家曾认为,国民党中央军的战斗力比杂牌军强。Formerly, military analysts had made distinctions between the fighting power of Central troops and Irregular troops loyal to the Kuomintang.

夫人加加是多萝西,一个由朋友和支持者杂牌军包围的梦想简单的女孩,努力使这对奥兹神奇的土地。Lady Gaga is Dorothy, a simple girl with a dream surrounded by a motley crew of friends and supporters, struggling to make it to the Wonderful Land of Oz.

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由蚂蚁、“蚂蚁鸟”、“蚂蚁鸟蝴蝶”还有谁知道什么玩意儿的别的东西组成的杂牌军,将会像一群串通好了的吉普赛人一样,浩浩荡荡地扫荡这片丛林。The whole motley crew of ants, ant-birds and ant-bird-butterflies, and who knew what else, would roam across the jungle like a band of gypsies in cahoots.

旧军阀和杂牌军的将领在前线搞着各式各样的阴谋勾当,而蒋介石嫡系的黄埔军校毕业生则严厉镇压对于“领袖”的任何批评。While former warlords and provincial generals were carrying on all sorts of intrigues on the front, Chiang Kai-shek's Whampoa cadets were viciously suppressing any criticism of the "leader."

看来八路军的第一个缺口是在“基督将军”冯玉祥旧部一类的杂牌军中间打开的。当时冯已经来到美国,并公开宣布反蒋。It seems that the first break in the army appeared among the provincial forces and former subordinates of the Christian General Feng Yu-hsiang, who had come to America and denounced Chiang Kai-shek.