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这是一种情感的宣泄。A kind of emotional reflex.

现在精神可以放松了,尽情宣泄了。Now there is relief and catharsis.

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还不能用哭来宣泄他们的恐惧。And they cannot cry to let off their panic.

宣泄的道路和方式多与自身教养相关。Ways and means to give more self-cultivine.

就在我在键盘上宣泄自己的情绪之际,我还在使用吹风机呢。I'm using a hairdryer now, as I type my spleen.

虽然很痛苦,但却是一种精神宣泄。It had been a painful but therapeutic catharsis.

让自己去宣泄恐惧感和情绪。Allow yourself to express your fears and emotions.

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做一个孤独的乐者,像摇滚乐一样,开始学会宣泄。To be a lonely musicians, like rock, like learn to vent.

这是关于蕾哈娜的情绪宣泄,还是对阿姆的原谅?Is it about catharsis for Rihanna, or excuses for Eminem?

终于他感到该让他的好心情宣泄一下了。At last he felt as if his good-humour must find some outlet.

中国的公民很少有机会用选票来宣泄自己的义愤。Chinese citizens rarely get a chance to seek revenge by vote.

对他而言,这种沉默的宣泄是让他感到最糟糕的事。To him, the silent treatment is the worst thing in the world.

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好,也行,出发吧。好了,是宣泄时间了!Okey-dokey, let's roll. All right, it's time to raise the roof!

其中一些带着美好的回忆和抒情的宣泄。Among them were some better reminiscences and lyric outpourings.

他把他的感情宣泄在凄惋而庄严的诗句里。He recorded his emotion in elegiac lines of magnificent dignity.

这里很静,感情的宣泄,往往需要一个环境。Very quiet here, the feelings of anger, often require an environment.

在暑假我已经宣泄了我的挫败感,现在我只想让这过去。I voiced my frustrations over the summer and I’ll just leave it there.

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然而,研究表明,怒气情绪宣泄的念头根本没有意义。Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock.

研究表明愤怒宣泄论是一派胡言。Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock.

这里很静,感情的宣泄,往往需要一个环境。Very quiet in here, the feelings of anger, often require an environment.