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这是匹高头大马。This is a tall horse.

我们正坐加拿大高头大马。We were sitting in the tall horse ride.

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那男孩必须让人托着才能骑上那高头大马。The boy had to be boosted up onto the large horse.

啤酒厂有25匹高头大马在伦敦城中运送啤酒。The brewery had 25 heavy horses delivering beer in London.

这个畜牧场在饲养干农活的高头大马。The stock farm is raising big horses for work in the fields.

很久以前,巨富显要们都骑高头大马。Long ago, people who were rich or important rode horses that were very tall.

因此即使马尔萨斯骑在预示气候变化大灾难的高头大马上时,看起来他也被击败了。So Malthus looks beatable even when he sits astride the apocalyptic horse of climate change.

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在长着欧洲蕨的庄园里,孩子们尽情地跟火猎狐犬和一个骑着高头大马、样子可怕的骑手追逐玩耍。Here the children are being chased by bloodhounds and pursued by a fearsome rider on a large horse.

比如说,如果你有个上级总是很傲慢的和你说话,那他就是骑在高头大马上。For instance, if someone who's superior to you and always speaks to you arrogantly , he's on high horse.

但是我那邻居,虽然他高头大马,体重总有120公斤,然而他的声音却又高又细,就像一个体格比他小一半儿的人发出来的声音。But my beefy neighbor who must weigh 120 kilos has a high-pitched squeaky voice like a man half his size.

你应该宽宏大量,很快他们就会从高头大马上摔下来,那时候你该伸出手来拉他们一把。Be the bigger person and let it go. Soon enough they'll fall off their high horse, and then you will be able to lend them a hand up.

但是我那邻居,虽然他高头大马,体重有120公斤,然而他的声音却又高又细,就像一个体格比他小一半的人发出来的声音。However, although one of my neighbors is beefy and weighs 120kg, his voice is high and screechy, just like the one from a guy half his size.