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拥有开阔的思想。Have an open mind.

人要有开阔的胸襟。Always have an open mind.

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他的思维也十分开阔。He was also broad-minded.

带着开阔的头脑生活才好。Face life with an open mind.

阅读能开阔我们的视野。Reading broadens our horizons.

旅行可开阔人的眼界。Travel broadens one's horizons.

这只鹿奔跑越过开阔的原野。The deer coursed the open field.

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我们在开阔的原野上露营。We bivouacked on the open plain.

我们需要开阔我们的视野。We need to broaden our horizons.

经验使人心胸开阔。The mind expands with experience.

正像我说的,他确实心胸开阔。Like I said, he's really big at heart.

我始终坚信,心胸开阔,大有好处。I always believe in being broad-minded.

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我能让我的学生开阔视野,去看外面的世界。I can my students' to the outside world.

他开阔旳胸襟。能包容莪旳切。His open mind. I can be inclusive of all.

心胸开阔,易于沟通,有团队合作精神。Open-minded, easy going, teamwork spirit.

开阔了橡胶模具设计思路。Widened the rubber mold design mentality.

克里斯娜站在舞台前部的开阔区域。Krishna stands downstage in the open area.

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开阔的心,一床的空间足矣!Spacious heart, one space foot of the bed!

我们总是力图使我们的视界开阔。We have always tried to broaden our minds.

一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。An enterpriser should have the wide vision.