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我赢了这场辩论!I won the debate!

所有其他的辩论都是它的脚注而已。All else is footnote.

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他是个很棒的辩论人才。He's a great debater.

保罗曾与人辩论。Paul argued with people.

辩论增长才智。Debates sharpen one's wits.

他介入了一场辩论。He interposed in a dispute.

任何时候我都可以在辩论中胜过你。I can out-argue you any day.

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我能够推理,我擅长辩论。I could reason.Icould argue.

律师们辩论这案件。The lawyers argued the case.

他向我挑战,要和我比试辩论。He challenged me to a debate.

咱们坐在桌边评论辩论。We sat at the table, talking.

他在辩论中驳倒了她。He bested her in the argument.

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我们应该开始辩论这些问题。We should start debating this.

为什麽延迟法庭的再度辩论?Why the delay of a re-argument?

他没有改变辩论日程。He wasn't budging on the debate.

人类有,Logos意即理法或辩论能力。Man has logos--reason or speech.

彼得拉他参加辩论。Peter drew him into the argument.

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我和海伦辩论了这个问题。I debated the question with Helen.

这些全都是无辩论余地的事实。All of these are undebatable facts.

就让“酷冷生活”的辩论从这开始吧。Let the Cooler Living debate begin.