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神圣母亲和梵天是一体。The Divine Mother and Brahman are one.

你的男朋友是个不错的人,特别亲和。Your boyfriend is a great guy, really nice.

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歌迷们喜欢达芙清新健康的亲和形象。Fans loved Duff's clean cut, teen-friendly image.

库普坎怀疑这种亲和可以持续多久。Kupchan wonders how long the congeniality can last.

这在本质上与亲和层析是一样的。This is essentially the same as affinity chromatography.

在禾本科的自交不亲和系统中,糖蛋白抑制细胞壁的形成。In the grass system, wall formation is inhibited by glycoproteins.

在自交亲和的植株上很可能发生异花受精。Cross-fertilization will be more likely in self-compatible species.

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试验结果表明多数自交系为自交不亲和。Results showed that most of the inbred lines were self-incompatible.

在这里,我已经收集了一些标志启发生态亲和概念。Here I have gathered some logos inspired by the Eco Friendly concept.

在最常见的配子体系统中,不亲和的花粉管在花柱中破裂。In the commonest system, incompatible pollen tubes burst in the style.

随后通过亲和固相提取纯化寡核苷酸。The oligo is subsequently purified by affinity-solid phase extraction.

其他一些替代概念,如“温馨度”、“亲和度”也不能。Neither do some suggested alternatives, such as warmth and likeability.

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这些植物的花比自交不亲和植物的花相对更小。These plants will have smaller flowers than self-Incompatible relatives.

抗体由蛋白A和肽段亲和层析技术纯化。Antibodies are purified by protein A and peptide affinity chromatography.

但是,电子亲和能既可以是负的,也可以是正的。Electron affinity, however, can be either negative or it can be positive.

链霉亲和素与它的配体具有显著的高亲和力。Streptavidin has a remarkably high affinity for its natural ligand, biotin.

经几丁质亲和层析柱纯化21肽。The soluble 21 peptide was purified by using chitin affinity chromatography.

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在中世纪,人们会把一组亲和数刻在水果切块上。In the Middle Ages people used to carve amicable numbers into pieces of fruit.

他们需要有能察觉他们的天赋并加以培育的双亲和师长。They must have parents and teachers who recognize their talent and nurture it.

这项共相是佛学和美学建立亲和关系的学理基础。This same form is the basis on which Buddhism and aesthetics set the affinity.