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真是“昨日冷落客,今日座上宾”。A "cold-shouldered off yesterday, today Zuoshang Bin."

他是国际名流和皇室的座上宾。He is a favorite of international socialites and royalty.

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它的总统奥斯卡·阿里亚斯去年造访北京,成为座上宾。Its president, Oscar Arias, was an honoured guest in China last year.

人们惊奇地发现,威士忌和雪茄烟也是他早餐食品的座上宾。It surprises the public that he loved a hearty breakfast laced with whisky and a cigar.

在生命的尾声,特瑞莎修女已是世界各地国王和总统的座上宾,然而她终生陪伴的对象始终是那些籍籍无名的穷人。Towards the end of her life, Mother Teresa was a friend of kings and presidents worldwide.

在获奖演讲之后,罗斯福成了德皇威廉二世的座上宾。After he delivered his Nobel Lecture, Roosevelt was the guest of Kaiser Wilhelm II in Germany.

写作让很多陌生人认识了我,使他们成为了我座上宾。Writing introduced me to people who were otherwise strangers and made them guests at my table.

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如果你可以任意挑选,你会选谁当你的座上宾?谁当你的密友?谁做你的爱人?Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as your dinner guest? as your close friend? as your lover?

虽然马大享有耶稣成为她座上宾的机会,但她却因为准备膳食而忙得喘不过气来,还怪罪马利亚不来帮忙。Although Martha had the opportunity to enjoy having Jesus as her guest, she soon became frustrated with her sister Mary and overwhelmed with the busyness of her preparations.

在印度,能够成为别人的座上宾、女婿或老师是一件令人愉悦的事,但同样是这些能带给你愉悦的人一旦成为电影院、银行或是机场里的陌生人,情形就会大不相同。In India, to be someone's house guest or son-in-law or teacher can be delightful. To be a stranger beside the same person at the cinema or bank or airport is another experience altogether.

在印度,能够成为别人的座上宾、女婿或老师是一件令人愉悦的事,但同样是这些能带给你愉悦的人一旦成为电影院、银行或是机场里的陌生人,情形就会大不相同。In India, to be someone’s house guest or son-in-law or teacher can be delightful. To be a stranger beside the same person at the cinema or bank or airport is another experience altogether.

鉴于首次展出即受到了来自多方的鼎立支持以及广大公众的一致关注,这些手卷又成为了纽约公共图书馆的座上宾,同样受到了各方的争相关注。Since this exhibit elicited such support from donors and great public interest, arrangements were then made to travel the fragments to the New York Public Library where equal interest resulted.