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侏儒窃笑。The dwarf sniggered.

吻卧冬我是侏儒!Kiss me , I'm gnomish !

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侏儒骑上马。The dwarf rode the horse.

他们的第二个儿子是个侏儒。Their second son is a midget.

那些乔佛里婚礼上的侏儒们。The dwarfs from Joffrey's wedding.

侏儒是一个爱描述的种族。Gnomes are a very descriptive race.

可怜的侏儒听到这里脸都红了。The poor dwarf blushed to hear that.

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侏儒转身,在那里站着第三个石人。The dwarf turned, and there he stood.

侏儒感到喉咙又干又涩。The dwarf's throat felt dry and raspy.

你怎么看待花园侏儒这个问题?What do you think about garden gnomes?

侏儒晃回了营地的木凳上。The dwarf rocked back on the camp stool.

小侏儒的骑术和尿艺比如何?Does your dwarf ride as well as he pisses?

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感谢那个侏儒,这现在被锁。Thanks for that Midget, this is locked now.

你装满桶就给我立刻回来,侏儒。You fill the pails and come right back dwarf.

侏儒不由自主想起了乔佛里。The dwarf could not help but think of Joffrey.

侏儒跳下马往盾的方向跑去。The dwarf jumped off and ran toward the shield.

“你是个侏儒,”小格里夫鄙视的说。"You're a dwarf, " Young Griff said scornfully.

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他和伟大的音乐家相比就成了侏儒。He's a pygmy when compared with great musicians.

送我老姐的礼物。他是另一个侏儒。A gift for my sweet sister. He was another dwarf.

至少如果你是一直侏儒鸟的,这是一条很好的建议。At least, that's good advice if you're a manakin.